I know what you are thinking… and no, I’m not getting another dachshund. GRIN.
I have to confess and say I had no intentions sharing this so soon. But a little voice in my heart kept urging me to do so even though if feels vulnerable and scary. I feel like I have butterflies in my stomach Also many thoughts are running wildly through my mind questioning my ability and the what if’s.
But I pause to remind myself to just let go. Life always has a way of falling into place as it should. It always has.
The other part of this is this has been in my head for a few months now, swirling around, trying to take shape.
It has begun to wake me at night. Sentences and thoughts forming together. I feel nervous and super excited all at the same time. This is a sign of what I learned years ago which is when these feelings hit, you gotta go with it. Just begin. Give it a shot. Spread those wings and fly. Reach into your heart and listen. Start now.
Whew! Ok, now that I got that all off my chest, here goes…my secret revealed…
I have begun work on my next nonfiction book! There, I said it! I really said it!
So now, for the working title (and this may change), but this will give you an insight to what it will be about…
Joie’s Gift- Finding Purpose in the Pause
Ever since I came back from my two month sabbatical at the end of October, I’ve had many people asking me what I learned during my time away. I’ve been wanting to write about it. But I also want to keep with my thoughts of the lessons my dogs have taught me. It took me awhile to move to a deeper level of what that would actually look like.
Even though I know Joie was a vital part of my sabbatical, it has now moved to a whole new level of meaning for me. This is when the book idea really started to take shape because I’m feeling the familiar stirrings of wanting to share the gifts of what a dog can do for our lives…the gifts that Joie gave me.
I’m in the early stages of writing, having just begun. At this point, I don’t know if I will have enough material for a print book, though I’d certainly like to see that happen. But it may be an ebook. I will have to see as I progress with the writing. But this is the oh, so lovely thing about the world of publishing these days– we have options.
It does feel good to be back to a writing schedule that has me reflecting, thinking, evolving, and yes, even furrowing my brows in frustration when the right words won’t come to me— which means I think I’m on the right track for a book to be born in the next nine to twelve months. Stay tuned!