Helping Daisy the Paralyzed Dachshund Who was Stabbed & Praying for Peace.


Today on Facebook I shared something I wouldn’t normally share. The very sad and violent story of a paralyzed dachshund named, Daisy that was brutally stabbed (she is alive, being treated and doing okay).

I won’t normally share stories such as this and add to the hatred and negativity that always seems to come from it. We have so many stories like this in our world and it’s my wish to be a positive light of hope instead of adding to more negativity.

But my heart couldn’t stop thinking about Daisy. I wanted to help by sharing her story on my page in hopes that her new loving caretaker can raise the needed funds to help pay her medical bills.  There is also justice that is wanting to be served for the person who did this awful act so he pays for what he did, as well as, stricter laws are put into place to keep this from happening again and again.

I in no way condone what this person did. Not one bit. I can’t even begin to wrap my head around why in the world someone would do this?  But one of the reasons I don’t like to share these stories is because often times it breeds more hate and violence.

That isn’t the answer. While I believe there are some who just can’t be helped in this life time, many can. To me this is a huge cry for help from this person’s soul that is clearly in pain and is broken beyond what many of our human minds can even comprehend. It actually makes me want to cry because it is so sad on so many levels.

Is he beyond help? I don’t know. But to act out with words of hatred toward him, I believe, only adds to the violence that has already occurred and we bring more dark and negativity into the world.  He needs help!  If he can do this to an animal, imagine what he could do to a human being?  Should he be walking the streets?  No, he needs help.

I don’t know the answer of how to get him the help he does need- as well as many others. But my heart tells me that hate does not solve our problems. It makes them so much worse.

I find myself in a situation again where I wouldn’t have normally written about these things on my blog for fear of what others would think. I also don’t have the answer as to how to help people like this that act out in these terrible ways.

But by saying nothing, I feel just adds to the hatred and negativity. I felt compelled to say how I feel today not to condone what he did, but to help bring light and love to a situation that clearly needs it, just like so many cases like this that we hear day in and day out.

I pray for peace and healing for everyone involved with this. I truly do. And especially for our world so that horrible acts like this will someday no longer exist.

Another Animal Message Came to Me While in Tree Pose.

owl_3It’s becoming utterly fascinating to me what I’ve been noticing around me lately. I have to say, I love being open and having more of the “unexplained” finding its way to me. The more it happens, the more I want!

First of all, just two days ago I began an e-course called The Sacred Alone. Each morning before I practice yoga I am incorporating this sacred alone time.  Five minutes of reading an essay, five minutes of a guided meditation, followed by ten minutes of writing in my journal from a prompt that is provided.

After The Sacred Alone, I randomly pick a Grace card. For the second day in a row I chose “Surprises” which says, “Keep an open mind. The influence of grace is often found in unexpected places.” As I read this again after writing this, it is hitting home even more for me  and my next experience I had while practicing yoga.

Half way through my yoga I do tree pose, which I just can’t get enough of. I could stand in it all day!  Today as I did, I put my focus on a tree outside my window. I’ve done this before and have often times seen the shape of a heart in the tree bark. Not today.

Today I saw the shape of an owl! After I was done with my practice, I immediately went to my deck of Animal Wisdom Tarot cards to look up owl’s message for me.

In part it says “owl is the keeper of the light representing solitude, introspection, enlightenment and wisdom. Owl’s appearance may indicate a need for solitude or retreat—perhaps a vision quest or quiet time alone in self-reflection. Owl urges us to abandon distraction and explore the depths of our being. Indeed, to know our true self, to uncover the brilliant, dark secrets we hide inside, requires patience, commitment, and tenacity.”

“Time to refresh and renew your inner self, so you may return to the world enlightened, shining as a beacon for others. Owl helps you to see the truth of the person you really are.”

This gave me goosebumps!  Then when I tied it in with picking the grace card, “Surprises” and being open to to grace in unexpected places, wow, my whole insides were a flutter with excitement.

So often I wish I had all these animals in “real” form to bring me a message when I need one. Never did I give thought to how they can come in different ways, like seeing the shape of an owl in the tree bark.

It is also a lesson on how we can sometimes look so hard for what it is we are to see or learn, when it is right there in front of us if we just open our heart and be open to what it is we need to hear in that moment.

As I’ve written earlier in the year, one of my intentions is to be more brave in what I write and share.  Sharing these moments that are happening to me feels scary to share in some ways for what “others might think.” But I can’t deny how good it feels for me to feel connected to something bigger in this world and to share that with others.

Meet Ginger: 19th Recipient of the Frankie Wheelchair Fund

gingercart3 e2It’s always a beautiful and touching day here at Joyful Paws & National Walk ‘N Roll Dog Day headquarters when I get to share the news of the Frankie Wheelchair Fund helping another special needs little dog.

Meet Ginger. She is 13 years old and was down for over 3 1/2 years.  Her mom, Lisa, heard about the Frankie Wheelchair Fund and contacted me for help. After filling out the application and receiving a letter from her vet, it was an honor to help this sweet girl love out a quality of life for whatever remains.

She is just learning how to use her wheels after being immobile for many years, but we have hope she will be rolling with confidence real soon.

I had an unexpected and welcome surprise during the holidays when I received a larger than usual donation from someone who admires the work I’ve been able to do helping these dogs. I do believe he wants to remain anonymous, but I just wanted to say a thank you again to this person for believing in me, my mission, and these dogs. It means the world to me!

I couldn’t do it without the help of generous contributions such as the one I received from my recent contributor and everyone who has, and continues to, support my mission. A big thank you to each and every one of you!

If you wish to learn more about the Frankie Wheelchair Fund and/or make a contribution, please visit National Walk ‘N Roll Dog Day.

Always be positive and keep on rolling, Ginger!

Note:  Ginger’s wheelchair was custom made my Eddie’s Wheels.