I Found My Easter Egg’s and My Light Shines Brighter

IMG_1972Happy Easter to each of you. While I don’t celebrate in the traditional way of going to church, I connect in my own way with the meaning of this special day.

A day of hope and renewal. Another chance to see that beautiful light within me and to let it shine just a bit more brighter. That this day signals another gift in itself. Another opportunity to let down my guard that I sometimes build around me, and be who I was created to be.

Today is also day seven of my meditation that I have been doing called Finding the Flow. A free 21-day mediation with Oprah and Deepak Chopra. It was about exploring our true self as light. “Light is around us and within us – it is our guide on the path toward self-realization… As we open to the light within, we connect to the divine light that illuminates our soul, awakening us to our real self, and the light that connects all things.”

I am connected to God/Spirit/Universe in my own, unique way. It is my guide to shine that light within me out into the world. I am not always perfect and sometimes find myself in struggle. But this special day called Easter I give thanks for another chance at renewal. A day to accept past and present struggles, as they are a part of my journey which has helped me move closer to the true light that is me.

As I lay in bed today thinking about all the little kids that will search for their Easter eggs, I found myself wishing I could be a kid again — the anticipation of the treasures they will find on their Easter egg hunt and all the goodies within their baskets. And then I realized I can still go to that place. It is always there for me to tap into. That joy of finding surprises and feeling so alive.

I found my Easter egg’s today and all it’s treasures inside as I glanced over at John and he said, “Happy Easter.” My next treasure awaited me as I lifted Gidget out of her bed and kissed her on the side of her snout. And finally, Kylie, who came to greet me with her tail wagging good morning.

I’m grateful for all that I have and for this awakening that continues to evolve in me, even when the journey has been filled with doubt and pain. And for Easter, I am giving thanks for its gifts of renewal and hope as it washes away the past to help that light in me to shine brighter.

Once the soul awakens, the search begins and you can never go back. -John O’Donohue

There is HOPE for Dogs with Intervertebral Disc Disease (IVDD). Educate yourself TODAY.

Gidget ivddAs most of you know from following my blog, I’m passionate about spreading a positive message about dogs diagnosed with IVDD. Sadly, many are still being put to sleep. Most often because of lack of education and guardian’s not knowing their options.

Just today, I heard from someone who does rescue work trying to help find homes for these special needs dogs if guardian’s choose to surrender a downed dog if they are unable to care for them. But again, sadly, it does not always turn out that way. For whatever reasons, a guardian may choose putting their IVDD dog to sleep. I’m not here to judge that person who makes that decision.

But I did want to write a post about IVDD once again in hopes it makes it out into the world and helps educate more people that IVDD is not a death sentence. It does not have to be that way.

There is help. There is hope. There are people willing to help you if you find yourself in this situation. Most rescue’s will help guide you. Dodgerslist is an excellent resource to educate yourself about this disease. While there is not a cure, often times with the right information and treatment, these dog’s can walk again. If not, there is always a dog wheelchair that can help them lead a quality life. If cost is an issue there are resources for that as well such as The Frankie Wheelchair Fund, or Red Flyer, The Handicapped Pets Community or doing fund raisers online to help pay for medical costs.

While I truly understand taking care of a special needs pet such as an IVDD dog isn’t meant for everyone, there are others who are willing and able to take care of special needs pets. Rescue’s can often times help you if you choose this avenue.

I continue to also be available by email or phone to talk with someone whose dog has been diagnosed with IVDD. Often times talking with someone who has gone through this helps ease the anxiety and to know what to expect. I’m always happy to spend some time talking with someone going through this.

I’m so grateful for those that do have the courage to say they are unable to care for their IVDD dog and do what they feel is best for their pet by finding them a new home. If not for those people, I’d never have found the love of Joie, or have the love of Gidget. I know many others who care for downed dogs feel the same way. They truly love caring for these dogs.

Please help spread the word that there is hope. Whether you can work through it with guidance with resources I mentioned above, or if you need to find your pet a new home, there are those that really do care and will help.

Young or Old – We are all a Work in Progress – Horizons 4 Girls

1208780_10201783198614051_2718885650038954779_nAs I mentioned yesterday, I said I would be meeting with Horizons 4 Girls, a nonprofit group in our area mentoring young girls helping them with family life, peer pressure and education expectations, guiding them with personalized assistance in help with their studies and life decisions.

We were an intimate group of three young ladies, as well as the staff of four. This time of year seems to be a challenge with the 14 girls in the group trying to keep up with studies and books needing to be read so it was discussed to possibly have me come back this summer to meet the other girls.

But I enjoyed meeting these three young ladies, who were all unique and beautiful in their own individual ways. It was fascinating to me to find myself sharing my story with them, as if looking in a mirror at my younger self. All the same challenges still exist today, as they did for me when I was becoming a young woman.

At times my heart ached for some of their challenges, such as peer pressure and worrying what others say about them or think about them, or how people perceive them.

Interestingly enough, I had just come from my class I’ve been taking part in the last nine weeks called, “Unwrapping your True Self.” As I talked with the girls, I shared with them that I am in this class right now, continuing to work on who I am and to stand strong in my belief’s. My advice to them as I thought about that is that we never truly arrive, but that we are all a work in progress.

I hope by showing myself as an example of a woman who still needs to pay attention to working on herself often, they will see that none of us are perfect. But if we are willing to keep looking for the light in our own soul, it will lead us down the right paths in our lives.

We discussed everything from body image, worrying what others think of our choices, writing, judgement, following your heart, to Gidget and her disc disease.

As I drove home I found myself admiring these young ladies for having the courage  to be a part of this program, to be there for the help and guidance that will help them be the best that they can be. And as is my wish for all women, my hope is for these young ladies to continue to find the courage to let their inner light shine. They inspired me to keep doing the same.