Gardening Meditation. Come Meet My Little Garden Fairy.

gidget in garden 2What is it about this little Miss Gidget? Just when I think she is a Buddha dog, she turns into this darling little fairy who had to help me in the garden this weekend.

She has these mystical, magical qualities about her that I find so endearing. Wherever I am, she is content to sit nearby and soak in the scenery around her.  While yes, I had her tied to the tiny shrub tree nearby, she didn’t seem to mind. She sat, good as could be in her spot watching birds land in the trees around her.

I swear a few times she was actually talking with the birds. It was just a feeling I had because she would sit so still, looking up at a bird sitting in the branch above her.

I’m surprised I even got my gardening done, because I was glancing her way so often. But it was so meditative, just being with her and Kylie (I posted a pic of the two of them “helping” me on Facebook).

By the end of the weekend, with so much activity outside, the little Fairy could hardly keep her eyes open, though she tried with all her might last night while John and I relaxed in the living room.

But pretty soon she could no longer fight it and off to sleep she went with the most content look on her face. A look that made this dog mom’s heart full up with love to know her little one is happy.

Meet Lacey! #22 Recipient of a Wheelchair from The Frankie Wheelchair Fund

lacey 2As the mom of an IVDD pup, and two before that who lived a happy life in wheels, this is the best gift ever for Mother’s Day to share with you that another little dog gets her wheels because of The Frankie Wheelchair Fund.

Meet Lacey. There was a whole fleet of people who helped this little girl find her new home. It was an honor to play a small part in a big journey for Lacey as she left a home who loved her so much, but couldn’t care for her any longer, and had the courage to give her a better life.

From Patricia to Tamara, Michelle, Eli and Zachary who played a part in helping Lacey find her way to Helen who is now her new forever mom.

She had some medical issues to contend with, one of which was to have her tail amputated. But as you can see in the photo, she is doing just fine. She is learning to walk in her wheelchair and I have no doubt she will soon be doing zoomies all around the yard soon! This should also help her work off some of the weight she had gained.

Wishing Lacey all the very best!

To learn more about The Frankie Wheelchair Fund and how you can apply or contribute please visit the website National Walk ‘N Roll Dog Day.

To learn more about dog wheelchairs, please visit Eddie’s Wheels.

As a reminder, 100% of proceeds of the purchase of this very roomy and durable tote bag from our friend at Beangoods goes to The Frankie Wheelchair Fund.


Confirmation All Around Us When We Keep Our Eyes (and Heart) Open

energyMy meditation/Yoga altar

Yesterday I shared with you that I had gotten a bit lost lately, falling away from what I call my center. The place that when I am  there I know it is truly who I am and where I am meant to be.

So it shouldn’t  surprise me that this morning when I picked an inspiration card from Dr. Wayne Dyer’s deck of cards (or sometimes I pick a Grace card from Cheryl Richardson), which I often do right before my yoga practice, that it was yet another confirmation of something that had just transpired in my life. The card said “Protect Your Energy Field” and read:

When you find yourself being exposed to uninspiring media onslaughts, turn of the TV, change the radio station, leave the movie theater, put the magazine down, and affirm:  I no longer wish to be in the energy field of anything that isn’t a vibrational match with Spirit.

On Thursday I wrote about how I had gotten involved with some volunteer committee’s which I had become frustrated with and then resigned. I realize in looking back now, how it drained my energy. Then the things I love to do I found I was struggling to have energy to do.

While yes, there were many other issues regarding why I resigned, of which were not fault of my own, it was Spirit tapping me on the shoulder reminding me once again to protect my energy to be the best me I can be.

I smiled giving thanks for this reminder once again. But more than that for all the years of inner work I’ve done on myself, and continue to do, that I live in this awareness of living from following my heart. It may take me awhile to find my way back again, but when I do, it sure makes the joy all the more sweeter.