It’s One of those Days Again. Overcome with Gratefulness.

Smoothe_3_largeThere are some days I just feel so overcome with gratefulness. Today is such a day.

As most of you know, I started The Frankie Wheelchair Fund to help other disabled dogs after my beloved dachshund, Frankie passed away in 2012.

You know, I remember when it all happened so clearly – the day she became paralyzed. What was my life going to look like from there on out?  Writing books about her, visiting schools, doing therapy dog work were certainly not what I had planned for my life. But, oh what joy it brought me. Such a clarity of purpose was that time in my life.

No plans what-so-ever of founding a day called National Walk ‘N Roll Dog or starting The Frankie Wheelchair Fund were even a part of my thought process of how my life would unfold.

I remember though, at the beginning, feeling alone in that I didn’t know of any other dogs in wheelchairs. It felt odd and I worried others would not understand why I decided to put my dog in a wheelchair– and there were, and still are, some that don’t.

I remember starting The Frankie Wheelchair Fund – now a one woman operation, of which my two-wheeled friend was now gone, and it was up to me to carry on her legacy. I do it with the utmost joy and each time another disabled dog is helped I feel Frankie’s spirit warm my insides.

It started with helping six small dogs and now has grown to just today granting a wheelchair for dog #32, named Lady who found on the side of the road paralyzed. She is being cared for my a pre-med veterinarian student.

The best part of it all?  All those that have come forward to help me. Those that support what I do and believe in helping these special needs dogs.  You all know who you are. I’m grateful for each and everyone of you.

And it happened again today. A note arrived in my email box from The Smoothe Store who opened their online shop this past June 21st with a portion of sales to be donated to The Frankie Wheelchair Fund. I didn’t ask them. But it is their kind and giving hearts and their belief in what I do that they want to help. There is no greater compliment!

Here is a portion of what store owner Sarah had to say:

Hi Barbara,

I’ve enjoyed reading about the adventures of Frankie and seeing all of the great effort you’ve made in spreading awareness for IVDD and the quality of life that our two-wheeled friends can enjoy!

On June 21st we opened an online shop,The Smoothe Store, that features a variety of dachshund-focused items. We have a line of IVDD awareness products where a portion of profits are earmarked for Frankie’s Wheelchair Fund. Just wanted to let you know in advance since we’ve mentioned that a portion of profits go to this wonder fund!

Also, you featured my Mom’s fun loving Daisy (Barbara Whittington) a couple of months ago on your facebook page – she was so thrilled! You, along with the folks at Dodger’s List, have been a huge help and inspiration as our family as we’ve adjusted to life with a Daisy in wheels. Thank you!

Thank you very much,
Sarah j Whittington


Sarah started the store in loving memory of her adorable dachshund (whose photo is above), Smoothe.  I checked out the store and they have some very adorable wheelie dog items you just might want to see for yourself!

But I sit here in complete awe once again of the generosity of others and their extending of wanting to help me with my mission. It’s just one of those things you never see coming, but each time it happens, it expands my heart even more of all the good and kind there is in this world.

Thank you Sarah and everyone at The Smoothe Store!  I’ll be adding you to our list on National Walk ‘N Roll Dog Day donate/store page soon!

Check out The Smoothe Store today!

On Being Joy in a World that is Filled with Bad Things that Happen.

IMG_2120I just got back from a mid-day walk with Miss G. I’ve been trying to get out for a walk during the day more as a break from being at my computer.

Often times I listen to Hay House Radio which I download right to my ipod. Today as I was listening to one of the hosts, she was talking about how she tries to only post joyful things on her Facebook page because we have enough negativity in the world.

Someone posted and said, “Enough with the happiness stuff! Don’t you know a journalist was just beheaded?”

She wasn’t sure how to respond to this, but didn’t get angry. She thought about it and wondered how yes, there is plenty of bad in the world, but how do we balance that out without being insensitive to what our world is really like. But at the same time choosing to spread more joy?

I loved her guests response in that we do have to find balance. While we can’t ignore the news, we first have to be strong within ourselves. Which reminded me of the quote I posted on my Facebook page today:

To put the world right in order, we must first put the nation in order; to put the nation in order, we must first put the family in order; to put the family in order, we must first cultivate our personal life; we must first set our hearts right. – Confucius

The guest more or less said the same thing. We have to begin with healing ourselves. He also once believed that we should never surround ourselves with negative people, though he has changed his tune about that. But first he said, we have to become stronger ourselves. When we do, we must be out in the world sharing that joy and happiness – that this is the way to more joy and happiness for our world. In essence when we do, we give others permission and encouragement to do the same thing.

He said, “Depressed and angry people will not change this world, but people who are healing themselves and are happier, will.”

He went on to say that those who do the work of healing themselves by default live with more joy. It is then that we begin to want to give that back to the world. Just imagine if all of us did that? What a powerful impact we could make!

It’s what I wish with my joyful paws blog and thoughts I share and post on Facebook, as well as, in my newsletters. I want to contribute to the positive of the world, even though I know and understand there is plenty of bad in the world. I don’t try and block  the ugly of the bad news out of my life, but I do keep it to a minimum as I’m very sensitive to it.

But I’ve also come to understand that I can make a difference, as can so many others, by sharing our joy even if it is only one small step or action at a time.

Celebrating this Special Guy Today. Something You May Not Know.

john eThis handsome little guy turns 55 today. The only boy out of five sisters.

I met this little guy when he was just four years old. Little did I know, or perhaps I did, but he would turn out to be the love of my life.

You see, this is my Johnnie. The man I’ve been married to for almost 30 years.

Oh how I recall seeing him for the first time in highschool. I was a freshman and he was a senior. I can still see that dark blue winter jacket he wore with the fake fur collar (yes, that was in then). His hair hung just a smidge over the back of his collar.  The jacket he loved and called it his “cop jacket” because he thought about being a policeman.

We didn’t date in highschool, but oh, how I admired him from afar. After he graduated he went off to college, which turned out to not be what he wanted in life. He returned to our small town six months later.

I was half way through my sophomore year when I was walking home one night with my friend. He pulled up in his big brown Pontiac and asked me if I wanted a ride home. I knew that first night with him that I loved him.

I don’t recall when we discovered this other piece of the story, but it still makes me smile to this day. We came to find out that when my mom was pregnant with me, she and my dad had rented a cabin. And you’ll never guess who was staying next door?

Okay, so you guessed right. It was John’s family. He was four years old. I like to say that I peeked out of my mom’s belly button, saw John, and said, “I’m going to marry that guy some day.”

So I say a very Happy Birthday to the little guy that is now all grown up. How absolutely lucky and grateful I am for him. The love of my life. The one who is always making me laugh. Who is always making me feel special. Who is the most kindest and hard working man.  Happy Birthday my dear Johnnie.