The Tail that Didn’t Wag.

kylie nov 2014

When we brought Kylie home as a young pup from a breeder over nine years ago, it wasn’t until several weeks later that John and I realized we had not seen her wag her tail.

It would take a few months before she would wag her tail. We really have no idea why this was.

I recall one day Kylie pushing her way through John’s legs while he was standing in the kitchen. We would come to realize over the months that this is a sign of affection from her. But as she grew and is so strong, you best be prepared when she pushes her way through at knee high level to make sure you hold your ground.

She would never mean to push anyone over, but her zealous way in which showing her love can have you toppling over if you are not careful.  I remember one day when she did this to John and we’d not yet seen her wag her tail. As she stood between John’s legs waiting for a butt rub, he picked up her back end and moved it back and forth encouraging her in a fun way saying, “This is how you wag your tail, Kylie.”

I don’t recall exactly when her tail finally did wag for the first time, but I do remember it happening as both John and I saw it and we excitedly said, “You wagged your tail, Kylie!”

Now it is a fun game with her. Just this morning as she lay on her bed in the kitchen I sat down next to her as my water was heating up for my tea. I pet her for awhile and then said what I’ve come to say often to her as a game, “Does your tail work today Kylie? Does it work?”

Just the tip of her tail will come slightly off the ground, wagging just a wee bit. Then the more I say, “Does your tail work today? Oh, I think I see it working!” it begins to wag bigger and faster.

It is such a sweet time with her and such a fun little game that we play and I relish in these precious moments with her.

Gidget and Horizons4Girls to Deliver Holiday Cookies to Nursing Home. Will You Consider Being a Cookie Sponsor?

giGidget here! I’ve taken over the blog today because I have something very exciting to share with you!

On Saturday, December 13th I will be volunteering with Horizons4Girls to help deliver lots of yummy Christmas cookies to the residents at Rocky Knoll (long term nursing home care).

Can you just imagine how the residents faces will light up when they see all these special young ladies, and one adorable dog, delivering delicious cookies just for them?  It makes my heart flutter so fast in my little chest just thinking about it. I have a feeling all our hearts will expand even bigger after this super special mission is accomplished.

Would you like to help us? It’s really easy to do so just by sponsoring one or more dozen decorated or plain cut-out cookies. So how do you do that you ask?  Well, it’s really simple.  Just click here. Once on this page, scroll half way down the page and on the left hand side you will see yours truly, ME, and a drop down menu to choose how many and which kind you’d like to sponsor.

What will you get in return?  A big warm fuzzy heart and I’ll be sure to post a photo or two of me accomplishing this special mission.

From little ol’ me I say a GREAT BIG THANK YOU for consideration of helping me with this special cause this holiday season!

PS:  A special thank you to Gizmo who has handed the torch over to me and thank you for all you did last year in making this day so special for the residents at Rocky Knoll.

Okay, I’m jumping off the computer now and letting mom take over again as I head to my pink bed for a little nap. This blogging is exhausting work!

30 Years Ago I Said Two Words I’ve Never Regretted.

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“I do.” Two words I said 30 years ago on this my wedding anniversary with John.

A part of me is somewhat in shock that we are actually celebrating a 30th wedding anniversary. How did all that time go by so fast?  Will the next 30 fly by just as fast?

As we were driving to a restaurant last night to celebrate, John said that he’d like to try for another 30 years. That made me smile and my whole insides melted in love. While I know he loves me, when life has been hard, he has talked about not wanting to live past 65 or 70.

Not that we have any control of when our day on this earth will end, but when life feels difficult we can sometimes lose sight of what is important. Imagining John at 85 years old and me at 81 should we hit that 60 year mark is certainly something I can’t quite picture. But I’d sure love to see it happen.

I consider it a great honor and gift to have been together this many years. It’s been work. Hard work. But the rewards are truly precious.

We are so much more at ease in our lives together, worry about less stuff, love living simply with dinner out once a week, weekends playing Yahtzee or hanging out around the woodstove in winter and the chiminea in the summer.

Loving our dogs, loving each other, getting lost in conversation and laughing. There has never been a shortage of laughter in our house. We love to laugh and find it is the key to happiness.

So I say once again “I do” to the man who is my rock. My soft place to land. My sweetheart. My love. My forever. Love you, Johnnie!