Meet Nora! 39th Paralyzed Dog Granted Wheelchair thru Frankie Wheelchair Fund


It’s hard to believe I’m sharing that this is the 39th dog The Frankie Wheelchair Fund has granted a wheelchair to.  But how excited I am to share Nora!

She has IVDD and is permanently paralyzed, but has happily adjusted to her wheelchair. She is now free to run and play and do most dog things like she did before. Now that is cause for celebration, don’t you think?

To think about Nora and so many dogs who now have wheelchairs, going for walks and enjoying life to the fullest, well, that just makes my heart soar with joy!

Nora’s wheels custom-made by Eddie’s Wheels.

As always, I welcome donations to The Frankie Wheelchair Fund which helps me to help disabled dogs from low-to-no income families or in rescue who are in need of a wheelchair. I can’t do it without the generosity of others and I’m grateful for every $1 others are willing to donate.

The average cost of a wheelchair is about $380 and go as high as $1,500. It all depends on the need of the dog.

You can donate in one of two ways. Either by clicking the photo on left which will take you to our site where you can donate via paypal or credit card. Or by clicking on the GofundMe photo. Or please help me spread the word!

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To learn more please visit National Walk ‘N Roll Dog Day (for the Frankie Wheelchair Fund).

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“Sunshine on the Street” Rocked Acts of Kindness

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All it took was cardboard, paper, markers, positive words, and brave souls to stand out in the -4 degree weather yesterday…but oh, the hearts that were surely warmed from this act of kindness that spread throughout downtown Plymouth, WI.

This effort to spread a positive message throughout the community of Plymouth called, “Sunshine on the Street” was thought up by Dr. Cindy Munson and Chiro-Health Chiropractic Care Center, where I visit bi-monthly for an adjustment to keep this over 50-year old body finely tuned.

I had SO MUCH FUN taking part in “Sunshine on the Street” (that’s me in below photo with “you matter” sign!).

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All area businesses were invited to participate and stand outside their building from 12:30-1:00 pm and share a positive message, smile, and wave to all those driving by.

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As I saw some of the photos being shared yesterday and today on Facebook from the different businesses that took part, I got emotional. It was such a simple thing to do, but I have no doubt made a big impact. And as with anything you do voluntarily, it seems you gain more from it than you could have ever expected.

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While my lips were frozen from the biting wind, my heart was bursting with warmth for being a part of such a positive experience. The time flew by so fast and I really didn’t want it to end!

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So go out and spread some sunshine on your street today and keep the positive movement going!

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Photos courtesy of Ken Pannier Photography and Chiro-Health Chiropractic Care Center.

Wednesdays with the Wisdom of Dog: Compassion

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Sweet Kylie

When we think about a lesson from our dog friends, I think oftentimes one of our first thoughts is how they have taught us to be compassionate.

They have certainly seemed to lead the way in teaching us to be more compassionate toward other animals. Yet, I think there are two lessons they really want us to understand.

First and foremost, compassion with ourselves. When we can achieve this then the second lesson becomes easier. And that is to have compassion for all humankind. And when we do that, having compassion for animals is taken care of without a thought. It just is.

Compassion in knowing that we are each beautiful in our own unique way and that we matter.

When we can achieve compassion for ourselves then compassion organically flows out into the world around us. And this in turn makes Dog know his work is done and he can rest.

This is part of a weekly series of lessons I’ve learned from my dogs, and/or something I feel they are trying to teach us. I welcome your thoughts on any of the lessons or teachings that resonate with you.

Should you enjoy the writing you find here, you may wish to subscribe to my newsletter (on right hand side of post) or my RSS Feed. I’d love it if you would also share through your favorite social media network. Thanks for visiting!