Celebrating Dogs in Wheelchairs Because Paralyzed Dogs Deserve a Chance at Life

I put this little video together of some of the paralyzed dogs that The Frankie Wheelchair Fund has been able to to fund wheelchairs for since 2012.

You can see more photos of wheelie dogs the fund has helped on the website I created which is also a special day I founded to honor and celebrate all dogs in wheelchairs, National Walk ‘N Roll Dog Day.

I’m very proud of this continued effort to bring positive awareness to dogs who have become paralyzed but now lead a wonderful life because of the help of a wheelchair.

There are so many who have joined this effort either in sharing this special day with others, adopting a paralyzed dog, donating to the fund, or just simply supporting by saying thanks and believing in what this message is all about.

Every single time I see a paralyzed dog learn to walk again in a wheelchair it makes my heart soar! I never ever tire of seeing their enthusiasm for life and how they just get on with living their lives, teaching us what perseverance is all about.

Up next:  Douglas, the 43rd paralyzed dog the Frankie Wheelchair Fund helped and soon Jason, another paralyzed dog helped.

**Eddie’s Wheels is the company I work with in providing these custom made wheelchairs.**

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Nimby Receives Wheelchair from Frankie Wheelchair Fund. Now He Needs a Forever Home.

nimbyBecause of the generosity of others, Nimby is the newest (and 40th!) disabled dog, The Frankie Wheelchair Fund was able to donate a portion of the cost so Nimby could be mobile. As you can see, Nimby was born without front limbs.

And this is the first “front wheel drive” wheelchair we’ve helped with, so it is very exciting!

Nimby is currently being lovingly taken care of by The Fuzzy Pet Foundation located in CA. Even if you are not from that area, transportation is often available. Please email them at info@tfpf.org if you are interested in adopting Nimby. You can also find them on Facebook.

You may recall this is the same rescue where Darla the dachshund (a.k.a. Monkey Butt) was taken in and the Frankie Wheelchair Fund was also able to help her with a wheelchair. Darla now has a very loving family who fostered another dog in a wheelchair, Doolittle. And I just learned Doolittle has found his forever home, too!

So if Nimby would be a good fit for your family, please contact the Fuzzy Pet Foundation today – his wheels will come with him, so a family does not have the added expense of that. Win-Win-Win!

Nimby’s wheelchair custom made by Eddie’s Wheels– wheelchairs for pets.

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Pick Me! Pick Me!

Pick Me! Pick Me!

It’s getting to be that time of year again with cooler mornings and in the mid-70s during the day. And might I add, with a twist of a wee bit of autumnal feel in the air.

I can’t get enough. As summer begins its slow fade toward fall I feel this renewed sense of awakening energy that I experience every year at this time.

I could hardly get out the door fast enough for a walk this morning. Gidget rides in her dog stroller because she can’t walk the over 2 1/2 mile route that I usually take.

When I get closer to home, I let her out of the stroller and she walks the rest of the way home.

Today I set her on the stoop to go back to the stroller because I forgot my ipod.

I was taking my time walking back down the sidewalk to the front door because I really didn’t want to go in. I wanted the morning to last forever.

As I looked at my flowers so pretty in full bloom, I felt a little sadness that soon they will fade and die.

But then I thought how lovely they are and instead of dwelling in the “what if” should really enjoy them to the fullest while they continue to display such vivid colors.

I then heard this little voice in my head say, “Which flower is the prettiest?”

And then I heard, “Pick me!  Pick me!”

Yup, it was the most beautiful flower of the bunch there on the left hand side looking at me with eyes that can get me to do just about anything.

“Yes, Miss Gidget,” I cooed. “You are indeed absolutely stunning in all your blooming beauty.”

“But let’s not forget that yellow flower, in all her exquisite glory too, behind you.”

Two forever flowering buds that will bring beauty to my days in the dead of winter when the flowers of summer are but a distant memory.

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