After the Rain… and Tears

After the rain and tears

This morning I walked around my gardens after the rain and I took some pictures of raindrops still fresh on the flowers. As I did, I thought about how after the rain, it washes the earth clean, and provides new energy for the flowers and shrubs to expand with new growth.

It’s the same with tears. I thought about the retreat I co-facilitated yesterday at Coach Horse Ranch with Equine Assisted Coach, Pam. We had five wonderful ladies who took part in our unique offering.

As often times happens, when one slows down long enough to examine ones life, tears will come. How often, we as women, and those that are sensitive, feel we must apologize for our tears.

But tears, like rain, cleanse the soul. The energy that is stuck is able to break free when we cry. Just think about how when you try to hold in a strong emotion that you know will bring you to tears. In my experience it feels like I’m suffocating.

Tears are healthy. When we release them and let them wash over us, it allows new energy to come into our body. It helps us to expand our soul. Well, this is the way I look at it anyways, and most importantly, how I feel about crying. I think it is healthy and opens new channels,and it’s important to feel into those tears.

I’ve also really come to understand this also when I lose a pet, and to shut my heart down and not love another, well, that would mean shutting myself off to the joy that another will bring.

And so it is with our tears… they are a release and also an expansion. And permission to let go and also look ahead.

Hope you will enjoy more pictures I took out in my garden today. I especially loved what I’ve dubbed “mushroom flowers” that seem to pop up after each rain.  And I do pick them right away as I don’t know if they’d be poisonous to my dogs.

Happy Sunday my friends!

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Tweets and Ribbets Abound at the Zen Writing Cottage

Tweets and Ribbets Abound at the Zen Writing Cottage

I’m so excited to share with you that the robin eggs have hatched!  These two fuzzies came into the world on Wednesday, June 23.  When I posted a photo of the eggs two weeks ago, there were four, but only two made it.

robin nest 2016

Their nest is right outside one of my windows in my writing cottage, so I see the mama coming and going all day as she takes care of her precious little ones. I also put up a short video of the little ones on my Facebook page if you want to check it out.


And the tree frogs are back too!  I just love these little guys (and gals!). They are like little surprises when you come upon them. They can be quite sneaky and all of a sudden, there they are. They always bring a smile to my face. Two summers ago we had two around almost the whole summer. I called them Mr. and Mrs. Green Jeans.  This little guy was on my front porch, while this little gal below joined me for lunch one day on the deck.

frog 2

Oh! How I love summer!  New life abounds and old friends have returned. And time to brew some sun tea!

sun tea

Well, friends, I hope your weekend is a good one and you experience many small and big joys as the summer days unfold.

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Is This How It’s Going to Be Today?

Is this How It's Going to Be Today?

I don’t know how it started. But sometimes these things just evolve on their own.

One day I just couldn’t get enough of my husband, John. What I mean by this is that there are days when I feel extra head over heels in love with him. It’s just something that takes over and I want to be sure he knows how much I truly love him. Lucky for me, he has these days towards me too.

Out of the blue one day a few years ago, with a big grin on his face as I was giving him a hug for what seemed the 100th time, John said “Is this how it’s going to be today?” And we laughed and laughed.

Now whenever these moments of bliss happen, which seem quite often lately, (and I’m not complaining!) this is what one or the other will say to whoever happens to be the lucky recipient of over zealous affection.

So when my friend, Dawn, shared a video in her newsletter this week I immediately thought of John and I. I couldn’t help but send it to John and title the subject line, “Is this How it’s Going to be Today?” I share the video with you below– Just click on the photo.

I feel so blessed to have the relationship I do with John. We truly are two peas in a pod, or I guess I should also say, two prairie dogs enjoying the sweet moments of life.

Wishing you many sweet moments today!

Photo: Jan Pelcman

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