Guest Post with Author Erica Tucci: Spirit Animal Messages

standing up for yourself
First book in Sarah’s Gift series

Today I’m taking part in a blog tour for author Erica Tucci who has written many books. Her most recent venture has been the Sarah’s Gift series, chapter books for 7-12 year olds – about a young girl with psychic abilities, which speak to the children with special gifts, helping them deal with different life situations.

What especially piqued my interest is that her books each have an animal friend that helps guide Sarah through challenges and accepting her gift. You can read my review of her first book, pictured above, on Amazon.

saras gift
Second book in Sarah’s Gift series

Spirit Animal Messages by Erica Tucci

ericaSince I was invited by Barbara to write a guest post for her wonderful blog Joyful Paws, I found it very appropriate to talk about the inspiration behind my children’s book series Sarah’s GIft, which is about a young girl with psychic abilities and how she uses them harmlessly to deal with different life situations. My inspiration was Dr. Steven Farmer’s Children’s Spirit Animal Cards, which is a set of 24 oracle cards, each one of an animal and its special message for children.

In each of my books in the series, a spirit animal comes to Sarah as a guide to help her with whatever predicament she is in. For example, my second book that was just released July 18th is Believing In the Magic, which is the message that Crow conveys to Sarah when she meets another young girl who has telekinetic powers. Crow teaches the girls that their thoughts are powerful and that they should believe in the magic of their thoughts.

In the back of each book, I include activities to reinforce the story and its associated messages. One of the activities is a full description of the spirit animal messages in the story. I am also developing a guide/journal for each book that takes the spirit animal messages and fleshes them out to provide further guidance on how a child might use them in his/her life in appropriate ways.

Animals are a part of nature, and their symbolism and messages can have a very profound effect on our lives. They can bring meaning into our lives. A butterfly crossed my path recently, which was a very rare sight where I live. Butterflies to me mean freedom and transformation. I took the presence of the butterfly to indicate that I would be breaking out the chrysalis I have been confined to for a very long time, and spreading my wings. You see, I had a stroke five years ago that changed my life completely, as you might imagine. And in the past few months, the metamorphosis that I have been going through has been propelling me back into the world at a very fast pace. I have made some major breakthroughs, just like breaking through the chrysalis and becoming a butterfly.

It’s important to connect with animals in some way and pay attention to the messages they may be giving you. If an animal appears to you, either in reality, during meditation, in a dream or a vision, ask yourself what the messages might be that it is trying to give to you. If you aren’t sure, look up the symbolism of the animal for insights. You may be surprised at the synchronicity of its appearance with what may be happening in your life, and how its message may guide you through the circumstance, just as the animals in Sarah’s Gift guide Sarah.

To learn more about Erica and Sarah’s Gift book series:

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On Birthdays. A Privilege.

On Birthdays. A Privilege.

Never regret growing older. It’s a privilege denied to many. ~author unknown

This is one of my favorite quotes and one I try to keep at the forefront of my mind, especially when birthdays roll around.

It’s not that I don’t enjoy my birthday, because I do – very much so! But I hear many regrets of getting older from others. I don’t want to ever take it for granted.

When John and I went out for my birthday dinner on Saturday to a place we’d not been before called, Capone’s, I saw t-shirts hanging behind the bar with the quote above, which is one of my favorites –  and well, I just had to have it and John bought one for me (thanks, honey!).

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When I woke at 4am today – my 53rd birthday (well, almost. I don’t “officially” turn 53 until five minutes to midnight, as that is when I burst into the world five decades and three years ago), the first thought I had was of my mom.

I recall her telling me at one time or another how it was a sweltering heat wave the week I was born. And then I thought, hmm, I don’t think I’ve ever seen a picture of my mom pregnant with me. It made me think about how that is so common these days – women posting pictures of their bare, round bellies. It would have seemed odd for my mom to do that though.

But each birthday I celebrate, especially the older I get, and even more so since my dear friend lost her mom almost three years ago, I have moments of thinking of that inevitable “someday” I will have to go through – the day, my dear, sweet, mama will no longer be here with me.

It’s hard to think about the rest of my birthdays without her – the one who brought me into this world – the one who has my back – the one who loves me unconditionally – the one who is my biggest cheerleader – the one who has laughed and cried with me – the one who drinks wine with me – the one who when I look into her eyes, I see myself.

B hanging out with Mom

Each celebration of another year on this earth, I try with all my might to take in every. single. moment with my dear mama deep into my soul. I guard it with the utmost care and treasure it more than I can find words to even express.

And I remind myself of what a privilege it is to have had all the years I’ve had so far to celebrate with my mom. That this too, is one that has been denied many. I’m truly blessed.

Cake time e

And so today I celebrate my life and give thanks for all that it is and what it is yet to be.

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Blossoming BoBo. Plus a Welcome Surprise.

Blossoming BoBo. Plus a Welcome Surprise.

The joy continues to blossom around my writing cottage and home with all the landscaping we had put in mid-May. Before this, I’d never heard of a Limelight BoBo Hydrangea tree. That is it in the center of the photo, blooming so beautifully.

As I watered some plants yesterday I heard a familiar tweet, tweet, tweet.  Then I saw Mama Robin fly from the BoBo tree into the birch trees across the way. Could it be I wondered?

I scampered over to the tree trying not to get my hopes up. Last week Sunday, my sister-in-law, Donna and I were exchanging bird stories — she loves the birds in her yard too and takes utmost care of them.  She shared a story of a bird leaving its nest of which she felt bad about thinking she’d caused it to leave too soon — just like what happened with me and the baby Robin that bounced out the tree when I was trying to tighten the twine to hold the tree straight.

But she said not to take the nest out of the tree yet—that Mama Robin will likely return. She said she will fluff up the nest before laying eggs again. Sure enough, I saw that about three days ago when I checked on the nest.  The grasses, and whatever natural materials she used to originally build the nest appeared to be a bit messy —and “fluffed up.” It reminded me of when we change the sheets on the bed!

So when I heard the tweet, tweet, tweet, yesterday I was pretty sure it was her warning call.  And sure enough, when I peeked, there were two new pretty blue eggs! Oh what a welcome surprise!  A new little set of young ones will soon be here!

And this time you can be sure I won’t try and adjust the twine on the tree. Lesson learned!

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