We drove about a half hour last night to a restaurant we recently discovered in the middle of what I call cow country. You are just driving along country roads, lost in your own little world, cows and farms along the way when all of a sudden you come across a restaurant. We love it there and its become a favorite for date night.
Little did we know what was in store for us after we had a great meal and conversation and got in the car to head home. Just as we pulled onto the road, John noticed the moon beginning to make her appearance. It was 7:45pm and we could just barely make it out – but saw the outline of it – and knew it was going to be most spectacular. And it didn’t let us down!

Down the country roads we drove with the moon that was so magical it felt as if we were riding within it as it gently carried us home. Pictures really don’t do it justice. I only had my cell phone, wishing I had our EOS 50D Canon camera along — but yet, I need to learn how to use it and its settings so I can get better pictures.
But it was the energy that was emitting from that glorious moon that set my insides a glowing. With the moon making its way high into the sky you just couldn’t help but feel hope for our world…and that there is indeed still hope… no matter all the sadness and ugliness we seem to only hear so much about of late.
The moon reminded me of all the good there already is and how easy it is to take pleasure in life’s simple, but spectacular gifts — especially nature. I simply didn’t want the road to end that felt like a magical carpet ride, or for that moon to ever leave my site.
As I got ready this morning for my day, the moon came back into my mind and landed softly on my heart. It had another message for me. I smiled thinking about how blessed I am for the relationship I have with my husband, John. I thought about how he stopped three times last night on those country roads so I could snap some pictures of that amazing moon.
It wasn’t something he would have done years ago. He would have been in a hurry to get home, worried about the next days work, and eager to get to bed. I recall at times how sad it made me that he was missing out on the magic of nature and its offerings. I wanted more than anything for him to feel what I was feeling.

And now he does. Well, perhaps not in the same way as I do. But he gets it – I just know he does. It’s in his actions, his words and all the things we talk about. And for that I’m eternally grateful.
And I’m thankful for the moon, part of this astounding cosmos that brings us magic when we least expect it and fills us up so that we may float on its goodness…until next time.
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