Honoring a Pet Through Collage and Journaling

Honoring a Pet Through Collage and Journaling
My JOIE SoulCollage® card

I’m so honored to have been asked to provide an article for the monthly newsletter for SoulCollage®. As many of you know, I became a facilitator two years ago. It’s a process that by working with images and creating collages on five by eight cards that lead to self-discovery.

I was contacted by SoulCollage® to write an article on pet grief and how SoulCollage® can be of help. I believe the article will appear in the November issue. I’ll be sure to share a link once it is available.

But I wanted to share with you today the card I made to honor JOIE and encourage you to do the same for a pet you love and now may be gone. But it’s also a great way to pay tribute to an animal friend who is still here with you.

I have over fifty cards I’ve made so far and it’s always touching when shuffling the cards and choosing a card at random when one of my animal friends shows up for the day – reminding me of their presence in my life and what they taught me.

As is also encouraged in SoulCollage® after making a card, to journal with it from a prompt often used in SoulCollage® which is “I am one who.” To “step into the card,” so to speak, and listen for the wisdom the image has for you and capture that in writing.

I’m reminded today as I sent photos of my cards of Frankie and Joie, and my “I am one who” journal entries that our animal friends are always with us and that we can connect with them anytime we want – it’s just making the conscious choice to be in that sacred space of stillness and connection with them.

My JOIE journal entry:

I am one who could only stay a short time. My greatest gift to you was for me to leave my physical body so that you would come to see there are gifts in transition – whether they be in death or life changes.  Doors close and new ones open – each a portal to understanding yourself on an even deeper level. The water paw print I sent you from the other side was my way of letting you know you are on the right path – the one of living in more conscious awareness – one of pausing often to listen to your inner voice and bring that wisdom forth to share with others.

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Nineteen days before we leave on vacation – in our van camper named Second Chance. But who’s counting?  Me, oh yes – I am counting as I’m really looking forward to time away. It’s been three years since our last vacation.

Last night as I crawled into bed to read for a while, Kylie was curled up next to John. It’s their nightly routine. I read for a while in the living room, but then love to read a chapter or two and snuggle with Kylie, John, and Gidget for a bit before I drift off to sleep.

Normally Kylie sleeps in her kennel in the kitchen overnight because she snores quite loud. But lately she has been lucky because John has been letting her stay in bed all night. Well, that is unless I tell her to “go kennel” when she wakes me in the middle of the night with her snores.

But John says she is “practicing.” Meaning, by sleeping in bed she is practicing for sleeping in the van. It’s kind of hard to not smile at his “logic.” And it’s really hard to ask Kylie to leave the bed when she is all snuggled in as she was last night.

So often lately, when I see her sleeping, I see her in a different way – my sweet girl who is getting older – sleeping deeper. It’s hard sometimes to think about her time with us as so much more limited now than when she was a pup. She will be eleven on the 24th of this month.

But with this, it brings a deeper appreciation and love for the dog that has truly been one of the best dogs we’ve ever had. Don’t get me wrong, all my dogs have been wonderful and you know how I love those dachshunds – but Kylie has been an angel here on earth in a dogs body for us. Always going with the flow, never making much fuss, content to just be, and there to comfort us in her own special way when needed.

We’ve truly been blessed with a great dog in Kylie. So “practice if she must” – we will in turn go with the flow for her.

Thank you for sharing and subscribing to my blog updates.

Pooch Smooches Shares “Wisdom Found in the Pause” and Thought-Provoking Interview

Pooch Smooches Shares "Wisdom Found in the Pause" and Thought-Provoking Interview
Me & Joie when I first brought Joie home in the fall of 2012.

Today I invite you to visit my friend, Jackie Bouchard’s blog, Pooch Smooches, where she interviews me about my new book. You will want to check out Jackie’s books too, if you don’t already know about them. They are among my top ten favorite books about dogs!

Here’s a sneak peek at the interview…

PS: It’s no spoiler to warn blog readers that Joie dies during the telling of your story – after all, you mention it on page 1. What made you decide to do that?
BT: Thank you for asking this question. I struggled with whether or not I should state that up front at the beginning of writing this book. Mainly, because so often I’ve read or heard people comment that they won’t read a book where a dog has died – that it is just too painful.

While I truly understand that pain, I’ve come to see transition in death and transition during trials in our life that there are gifts within these times of pain and difficulty. Meaning, that if we only focus on the sadness of death or a change in our life, we tend to miss out on the new blessings it often brings, too.

Click here to read rest of the interview…plus read Jackie’s final note “about books where the dog dies…”

Thank you for sharing and subscribing to my blog updates.