How I Stopped Comparing My Dog Joie, to My Deceased Dog, Frankie

How I Stopped Comparing My Dog Joie, to My Deceased Dog, Frankie

Last week in celebration of the release of my new book, Wisdom Found in the Pause – Joie’s Gift I did my first ever live event on Facebook. I was quite nervous, but afterwards I received such wonderful feedback from many – it made it all very well worth it and I’m so glad I  took the plunge. If you didn’t have a chance to watch live, you can view the recording here.

But one question I got, which I think is important to expand on is this one from viewer, Sharon: “How did you resolve your issue of comparing Joie to Frankie?”

I do write about this in Wisdom Found in the Pause, but what I came to understand is that I had so closely tied my identity to Frankie and all my work with her, that when she died, I felt like I had lost my sense of purpose.  And we all know how so many of us search a for what seems a good long time to find our purpose – and many that feel they never find one.

Even though I’d been feeling this nudge to expand, I didn’t quite know what that looked like. So it felt more comfortable to think I’d continue to do what I’d always done, instead of marinating in the feelings I was experiencing that I was being called to end the chapter I defined as “Frankie.” While I truly wanted another special needs dachshund to love and care for, what wasn’t clear was how I was going to move forward now that Frankie was gone.

Many of you know I adopted Joie four months after Frankie’s passing and I was so happy to have a little one to care for again. As the days started to unfold I was having a hard time feeling a bond with her, or feeling deeply connected, like I had with Frankie.

What I did was reach out to my friend, Dawn, who is an animal communicator. She had helped me before with Frankie and I felt confident she could do the same with Joie.

While I don’t want to give it all away (and you can read more in my new book), it was during the reading with Dawn that I had the courage to admit I knew I was comparing Joie to Frankie.  It wasn’t that I was really doing it consciously, but rather subconsciously. And the issue was really all about me. I was having a hard time letting go of Frankie and what was. I needed to let things evolve organically with Joie and let her be her own dog. I truly wanted what was best for her and wanted more than anything for her to feel loved, safe and nurtured.

In many ways I owed this to Joie – but I also owed it to myself to see the truth of what was transpiring. And the beauty of one of the many gifts that Joie brought to my life. She helped me to see that I could let go and move forward – that I could expand on who I was and it would all be okay.

Every dog arrives in our lives to teach us something – arriving at just the right time – and I knew it was up to me to open myself fully to the lessons Joie was here to teach me, not only so she herself could live a happy and quality life while here – but that Frankie could rest in peace – and I could live more from the truth of who I am.

Tomorrow I’ll be sharing a link to auhtor, Jackie Bouchard’s blog, PoochSmooches. We did a recent Q & A about my book, Wisdom Found in the Pause, and one of the questions I enjoyed answering is this one:

  1. I really related to the quote from Sue Bender (p108) to “practice feeling good where you are.” I have to continually remind myself of the lesson from our angel Abby – to live in the moment. I think this is such a great lesson for everyone, no matter where you are in life. Can you expand on how you practice feeling good about where you are?

I hope you will stay tuned for my answer!

Thank you for sharing and subscribing to my blog updates.

Have Van Will Travel — with Lab of Love.

Have Van Will Travel with Lab of Love

Yesterday I shared an update about our van conversion. It’s coming along nicely! And after I wrote the post, I scrubbed down the van floor and walls and though it was a dirty job, it now sparkles!  This also means it is ready for flooring. John used cardboard to cut out a template and my next task this week is to pick out the flooring. It will be a vinyl laminate and I’m thinking one that looks like hardwood. I can’t wait to see it in place!

After I shared the van update post on my Facebook page Hali asked if Kylie would be traveling with us. Actually, a few others have asked this same question. And yes, since I first started writing about this adventure two months ago, it was in my first post of “Have Van Will Travel Journal,” that our dogs are one of the big reasons we decided to do this conversion. Not only does it give us more freedom to travel, but it also makes it possible for them to come with us.

Gidget is a bit more flexible so I’ve taken a few photos of her in the van, but haven’t taken any of Kylie, so the question was most definitely a valid one. The reason being is that Kylie has to have everything “just so” and that is what we are working on. We want her to feel as comfortable as possible. Because she has arthritis she does not readily jump in the van (actually she never has jumped in the van or our car) – we lift her in and out – and we will be putting rugs in place for her once the flooring is in, so she will feel steady on her legs and feet. So that is a big reason why I’ve not yet taken or shared any photos of her in the van.

It’s been a few years, but Kylie has gone on vacation with us in the past. Just like John and I, it takes her about a day or so to settle in and get her bearings, but once she does, she adjusts nicely.

So yes, our sweet girl, a big part of our hearts, is going with us. 🙂

Thank you for sharing and subscribing to my blog updates.

Have Van Will Travel Journal: Cozy Comfort

Have Van Will Travel Journal: Cozy Comfort

It’s been awhile since I’ve updated about our van conversion. Life can sometimes get in the way!

We are heading for Tennessee early November with the van. And no, it won’t be ready in time. But we knew this. We plan to work on it over the winter so it is fully functional next summer. And we are only staying one night in a campground on the way down to Tennessee and then one night on the way back this time around. While in Tennessee we will be staying in a cabin.

So it looks like we will be throwing down some memory foam for a make-shift bed for this short duration we will be staying in the van this first trip.

The good news is that we will have power!  Whether we hook-up to shoreline (we discovered it’s called this whether you are in a camper or a boat) or we use our solar panels – we will have heat when need be and air, too.  This is very good news!

Solar panels fit inside ladder rack and behind it our air conditioning unit and Fan-tastic fan. Far end is open for additional storage.

And for a little more added cozy comfort I got the softest blanket that my sister made (Gidget is posing with it above). She said, “When I saw the dachshund pattern, I couldn’t pass it up!” She thought it would be perfect for our van, “Second Chance.” And she’s right – I just love it – and of course, I knew Gidget would too! So know doubt it will come in handy to snooze under while cruzin’, snuggle under in front of a bonfire, or when hanging out and reading in bed.

The goal is to have van insulated and sub-floor in place before we head out early November. I can hardly believe our vacation is almost here!  It’s been three years since we’ve gone on vacation, and we are both more than ready… and excited about this new chapter of what we hope to be many adventures with Second Chance – the Vamper!

Thank you for sharing and subscribing to my blog updates.

Past posts for Have Van Will Travel Journal

The Adventure Has Begun. New Home on Wheels. Who’d of Thunk?

The Conversion Begins

Inspector Approves of Phase One Conversion

She Gets a Name

First a Name and Now Mascots