Today is a special decade birthday for a dear lady I hold close in my heart. Almost twelve years ago I turned to her for one thing to find myself leaving with something completely different.
I will always say it was one of the best decisions of my life. Making the call that early spring day, my hands shaking, to work with a life coach. It would be the first step to accepting myself for who I authentically am.
Diane lit that light within me. A light of self-acceptance, of following my heart, and of moving past feeling like a failure, to seeing myself as an explorer. It was her gentle and assuring guidance that helped me to understand and value how taking time to really listen for what mattered to me would lead me to living a life with more meaning and purpose.
That indeed has happened. It’s why I became a writer, author, speaker, and wheelchair dog advocate. The light continues to flicker and has led me to stepping into encouraging other women to pause, listen and capture what matters with workshops I facilitate — all because of a spark Diane saw in me. She held a safe and loving place for me to explore who I truly am which led me to finding the courage to test my wings and learn to fly in a way I hadn’t before.
I will never forget my coaching experience with her which led to friendship. While I don’t see Diane often, she is often in my thoughts as I expand and grow from the seeds of encouragement she so lovingly helped to cultivate within me.
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