“It’s exciting to see things coming up again, plants that you’ve had twenty or thirty years. It’s like seeing an old friend.”
― Tasha Tudor, The Private World of Tasha Tudor
It is has been close to 60 degrees this weekend, though the wind has just shifted putting a bit of a chill in the air again. But ah, yes, that is spring – such a tease it can be!
Today I walked in my landscaped gardens which will be one year old next month. And I couldn’t help but think of Tasha Tudor. I discovered her about five years ago and became utterly fascinated with her way of life. She was a children’s book illustrator, lover of nature, tea, flowers, corgis, goats, birds, and living to the beat of her own drum. She lived a simple life and what some would say was a hard life for there was always something to be done around her property. But that is what made her thrive.
As I walked my gardens I felt the spirit of Tasha. I know I’ll have to get my books out again that I have about her. Even though I’ve read them oodles of times already, I’m feeling called to get lost in her world that I find to this day to be be magical.
Being outside and appreciating all that nature gives us is when I feel the spirit of her swirling in the wind. I could ride high on that feeling forever.
Mr. Finch right outside my writing cottage window
To see the buds blossoming on trees and shrubs just fills me fresh up with such hope – and reminds me of what is truly important. These simple, sweet moments of beauty.
My Cherry Blossom Willow tree should blossom soonMr. Squirrel drinking from the bird bath
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What a beeeeeautiful morning I had and such a fantastic way to spend part of Earth day. I feel like I died and went to heaven!
My friend, Rachel, who I’ve talked about here on my blog before and who I began co-facilitating workshops with this past December. She is also founder of LaValley Nature and Equine Sanctuary, along with her partner, Jeremy. She just happens to also be a yoga teacher.
So today was the day I hired her for her services for a one-on-one yoga practice lesson. And shhhhh, but secretly I was hoping with all my heart that she’d show me her horses and show me around her twenty acres of wooded property, complete with a retaining pond stocked full of fish.
While I didn’t want the yoga session to end as the view out onto her wooded property was divine, and her kitty’s out on the screen porch, looking in while we held various yoga poses was so sweet, along with the fact I could have stayed in Savasana pose forever, I was ecstatic when Rachel asked if I had some time and wanted to meet the horses.
Oh yes, oh yes, did I! And so I had to confess I had a pair of jeans in my car, along with a warmer jacket, and my rubber boots, just in case. 🙂
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve purposely driven past Rachel and Jeremy’s place just to see the horses outside. And it is, of course, so much more than that. Having connected with Rachel now more often in the workshops we are putting on together, and getting to know her better, has brought such joy to my life.
While she is almost twenty-two years younger than me, she is wise beyond her years. We share so much in common of our belief’s. Being with her I could talk for hours and hours and it would feel like only minutes had passed. She is such a dear soul.
I met the horses first – Dancer, Marna, Nattie and Hank. All horses that come to the sanctuary are considered seniors and so they only take horses over eighteen years of age.
Hank is the original inspiration for LaValley Sanctuary. Rescued in 2011, and in need of rehabilitation, and after being nursed back to health from malnutrition and arthritis, he received professional training from local trainer Tracy Auch to help improve his quality of life.
The Hank I met today is very affectionate, and I was lucky enough to receive two big, warm sniffs from him. One on my face and one in my hair. He seemed to really appreciate my organic conditioner and hairspray I use!
I must confess that I’m feeling quite smitten with him, too!
Hank receiving a little TLC from Rachel as she picks dirt crumbles out of his mane.
After meeting the horses we walked the paths that are maintained to enjoy the views and the sounds of nature. To have done yoga, followed up with being with the horses, and now the wind blowing through my hair walking these paths in nature, well, you can see why I said I felt like I died and went to heaven. DIVINE it was!
And again, being with Rachel is always so inspiring and something I continue to feel so grateful for. We talked about our plans for our next workshop, which we are just beginning to put thoughts and details to. But it will be a workshop about connecting with nature and creating walking sticks. We hope to do this all at her property, so stay tuned if you are local and are interested. It will be on Saturday, June 24th. To be notified when registration opens, be sure to sign up here for my newsletter where I announce upcoming workshops.
And so I shall end with LaValley’s mission statement, which I truly appreciate and admire:
Our mission is to preserve land for plant, wildlife, equine and permaculture use while inspiring others to do the same. We offer a permanent, safe and natural environment for aged horses to retire and live out the rest of their days peacefully.
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Ever since I began the planning for my Animal Wisdom SoulCollage® Workshop, which I’m facilitating this Saturday at my home studio, I’ve had white wolf visit me on several occasions. She first came to me two years ago in a guided visualization during a challenging time, encouraging me to continue to let my heart lead the way for my life.
It’s not always been easy, as life can be, and as you try to not let the doubts or belief’s of society fill your mind. As I’ve been working on another workshop, this one to be online about working with our dreams, I had white wolf come to me again.
It was yet another guided visualization that my friend, Dawn, who will be presenting the workshop with me, that I saw white wolf in the visualization Dawn did as a run through. She didn’t appear at first, but it was after seeing a variety of colors swirling around me and above my head in greens, purples, and pinks (almost like the Northern lights!) that white wolf appeared next to me on a bridge.
So many good feelings flooded my body when I saw her! Then the next day I happened upon a documentary, The Snow Wolf Family and Me, about a man who lived with a family of white wolves for three months. It’s a series, so I can hardly wait to watch the second episode. And shortly after that I came across a very unique commercial about… yup, you guessed it….wolves.
Then two nights ago before going to sleep I asked white wolf to guide me in my dreams and help me to remember them, as that can be a challenge for me. Before I drifted off to sleep I asked her what her name is not knowing if anything would happen.
I heard immediately, Laiola. Isn’t that so pretty? It feels so fitting! This morning as I sat in meditation for fifteen minutes she visited me yet again. I really feel like I’m beginning to know her and it is so comforting to know she is here with me to help me in this earthly life.
I’m increasingly fascinated by how we can connect with animals in what is sometimes defined as the non-reality world – but truly a world where we can find many answers for our lives if we trust in it and practice going there in meditation and in our dreams.
For more information about my upcoming workshop this Saturday, April 22nd and to register, please visit the link here.
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