In this week’s video oracle reading and guidance session (below) I talk about something I’ve been thinking about lately and that is completion cycles in our lives. John and I just completed 35-years of marriage and now move into our 36th year together. It feels like just yesterday that we were saying our vows to each other.
To celebrate we ventured off on a mini getaway this past Saturday to a town about 2 1/2 hours from us and we stayed at a cozy upper flat of an Airbnb. On the way home, we stopped at the Horicon Marsh which is both a national and state wildlife refuge area. It also has the largest freshwater cattail marsh in the United States. There is an educational center and outside of it is this wooly mammoth sculpture that I just had to have my picture taken with. Isn’t it amazing?!
Celebrating 35 years of marriage, completing a big part of the process of writing and editing my book and all the small details that go with it before sending it off to the design team which I did today, plus thoughts of the year coming to a close has really had me thinking about the completion of cycles …
No doubt you are too as the year winds down, so I hope you find this oracle reading and guidance session helpful. xo, Barbara
One-to-one personal oracle readings and guidance sessions available here if you are in need of extra support.