Leaning into the Void within the Landscape

My eyes are trying to adjust to the new landscape that is changing moment by moment as the guys from a tree service cut down two ash trees in our backyard that no longer have life in them.

Early this morning after opening the blinds in the living room emotion swept through me as I thought about the impending loss of the trees. At first, I felt rather silly feeling melancholy like this. But I quickly dismissed it as I’ve learned to accept myself as I am over the years.

While I was sad, I also realized I wanted to take a moment and thank the trees for being a part of our yard for over thirty years. Again, something I’d not had admitted to in my younger years —thanking trees — but it’s who I am.

So I thanked the trees for providing shelter and a place to land and rest for the birds. I said thank you for the shade and beauty they provided. I also thought about how on Saturday evening I posted to my Facebook page that it was the last night with our Christmas tree as that too would come down the next day. It would join the fallen ash trees as they all make their way into the chipper.

A friend commented on my post, “transformed into another gift to the Earth.” It was true and made my heart smile that though the Christmas tree (and ash trees) landscape was changing, they now had an opportunity to transform into something new.

I can’t help but think, as you know me, and how life often speaks to me in these ways, but how the timing of the trees leaving and a new landscape in our backyard is in a way a metaphor of what is occurring in our country right now.

We don’t know what it will look like after tomorrow. But we will adapt and adjust. No matter what your thoughts about all of it, I’m leaning into trusting that there will be beauty and goodness that I just can’t see or know right now. The landscape will fill in in a new way, just as the days ahead will unfold in a new way, bringing with it a different view than before.



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Do Not Lose Your Inner Peace for Anything

A collective tension is definitely in the air this week. I’m sure I don’t have to tell you that. While I’m aware of what is going on in the outside world, I’m also making sure to stay in alignment with my heart.

My heart has reminded me to take time often this week to check in with myself, work on small projects that are bringing me joy and meaning, and continue to appreciate and be in gratitude for all I have.

When I walked through the door of Joyful Pause Cottage this morning, two things caught my eye — the faeries on a side table and a quote I have on my door, which I’ll share in a moment.

Though I say this often that there is joy in the simple things, I’m especially feeling that today.

The fairies that remind me of spring that will come soon enough again. I imagine them fluttering among the flowers and setting up camp among the boxwood shrubs.

The bunny, which is rather large next to the faeries, seems out of proportion. But I thought perhaps it is not. I sense it is a message that when we feel fear, to lean into the teachings of the animals. Whether we see a real bunny, a totem one like this one on my table, or we come across a photo of a rabbit.

As always, I truly believe the animals are here for us, and all we have to do is ask for their guidance. This bunny along with the faeries are reminding me of the richness of beauty and life that is here at any given moment. I just have to pause, pay attention, and take in the sweetness.

The quote, I think, fits with this too:

Never be in a hurry; do everything quietly and in a calm spirit.

Do not lose your inner peace for anything whatsoever, even if your world seems upset.

~St. Francis de Sales

Take especially good, gentle care of yourself this week.



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Animal Wisdom Oracle Guidance – Answering Your Muse – Week of Jan. 17, 2021

Before we get to the reading for the week I just wanted to point out the photo above. You’ll now see this graphic at the top of the blog post each week as a way to distinguish it as the weekly animal wisdom oracle guidance.

So this week, I hope you will enjoy the reading as much as I did. In this reading, we are looking at answering the call of your muse as the energy of the week.

You have the opportunity to pick a card – one, two, or three – as your personal message from that animal in regards to answering the call of your muse. And do note that a muse can be anything really! Here’s an interesting definition of muse I found:

As a verb, to muse is to consider something thoughtfully. As a noun, it means a person — especially a woman — who is a source of artistic inspiration.

In mythology, the Muses were nine goddesses who symbolized the arts and sciences. Today, a muse is a person who serves as an artist’s inspiration. Often filmmakers talk about a certain actor being a muse — meaning the actor inspired a movie. Writers, painters, musicians, and other artists have muses. Muse can also refer to thinking deeply. If you muse about something, you’re giving it serious thought. You can’t muse in five seconds. People muse on certain ideas for years.

The muse is so much more than surface stuff and can profoundly change our lives in a positive way! I find it interesting also with the line in the definition that says, “you can’t muse in five seconds.” I think that goes beautifully with appreciating pausing and being still in our lives more often.

Also, mentioned in the video is the Animal Oracle Card Summit I’ll be a speaker at plus nine other experts who will be talking animal wisdom and animal oracle cards on January 25 and 26. Just click here for your free ticket!

If you find this reading helpful and/or inspirational and would like to support my work I welcome donations here (Thank you!)

So now, without further ado, click here to watch this week’s reading or click on the graphic below…

Have a beautiful week!



For a private one-to-one session:  Click here to learn more about my Wisdom in the Pause readings (just for you) or click here to learn more about my Wisdom in the Paws readings (for you and your animal friend).

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