From the first sighting of a hummingbird who graced me with her presence early last evening…
to the chipmunk who bounded with enthusiasm from my yard to the neighbor’s early this morning…
the cluster of tiny bugs flying around my corner herb garden on my deck…
the oriole who called out its beautiful song as I am writing in my cottage studio mid-morning…
and the sweet and sassy squirrels out of hibernation…
each feels like a miracle and I marvel at all the friends that have returned to spend time outside Joyful Pause Cottage…
while my heart explodes with this new sense of JOY that everything has come alive once again!
Speaking of more aliveness, we added a second phase to our raised garden bed this past weekend. Well, I guess I should really say John added the second phase with his persnickety and excellent carpenter skills. My part will come soon enough and I’ll be planting seeds in it.
Phase two is a 4 x 8 bed. Next year will be the final phase with a 4 x 8 bed added to the left side and a darling garden door added to the front for the entrance. I do practice trying to stay in the present moment, but I just have to say I also can hardly stand the anticipation of next year with the final phase!
New this year is that I planted some veggie plants instead of from seed like I did last year. After a trip to a few greenhouses, I brought home and planted a variety of lettuces, celery, onions, Brussel sprouts, and two tomato plants. Yup, it’s that patience thing I continue to work on and just didn’t want to wait for the time it takes for seeds to sprout. But that is what the new addition will be for as I plan to plant seeds for kale, carrots, spinach, and beets.
Each morning now as the light slowly begins to seep in between the crack of the shades and the windows, it does not take much to entice me out of bed. I’m up in a flash because I can hardly wait to draw open the blinds and take in all the new life right outside my windows.
Everything is alive and I am in a stupor of gratefulness!