While the guidebook is in layout production I’m taking advantage of this freed-up time to work on photographs for the pre-order sales page for my Animal Reflections Healing Oracle deck coming in early 2023.
I took advantage of the snow we got the last few days to get this shot with the Bear card and the message of Introspection. It really does feel like January instead of November with about 4-5 inches of snow on the ground and temperatures expected to be in the teens and twenties with windchills. Brrrrr. But by Monday and into Thanksgiving we will be back to more normal temps in the mid-40s.
But perhaps Bear is here to remind us that while this can be a season of hustle and bustle we are now approaching, it is also, and I think, more importantly, a time to go within our inner sanctuaries. Don’t get me wrong, I do love the feeling of joy and festivity that is in the air during the holiday season. But, I also appreciate and identify more closely with the winter solstice on December 21st the older I get.
A time of tapping into the stillness within and reflecting as we wind down the year. What have I learned? What do I want to focus on in the New Year? How can I bring even more of my best self not only to others but first to myself? What do I want to let go of and what do I want to make more room for?
And Bear speaks to me also of creating the coziest of my own den within the walls of my home, but also to continue to strengthen and nurture my inner home that goes with me no matter where I go.
Bear also dreams of spring with the symbol of Bee present on the card and the promise of more sweet things to come when we take time to be in introspection.
Here’s a sneak peak of an excerpt from Bear’s message from the guidebook of Animal Reflections Healing Oracle:
Bear invites you to nestle in and lightly ease into your subconscious. Do this by slowing down your breath, letting go of hurry, and intentionally shifting your focus inward. It’s this exquisite, and sometimes uncomfortable, space of in-between worlds where wisdom patiently awaits.
This is a call to respect all cycles and seasons of life. It is then your awareness can shift with ease, and your ability to see the gifts of each season expand tenfold.
When you honor the call of the inner voice holding your truth, you are awakened to new levels of understanding the self.
Being grounded in appreciation for all aspects making you unique, you stand mightily and lovingly in your power, ready for new adventures. Life feels so much sweeter as you step with the utmost confidence into your continued and evolving becoming.
Happy weekend to you…
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