Update on My Animal Oracle Deck. Getting Closer!

Today I received the promo images from the formatting company for my animal oracle deck booklet.

I’m also awaiting the proof copy from the printer of the guidebook that will accompany my 52-card deck Animal Reflections Healing Oracle. So exciting!

The creative process as it crossed my mind this morning – feels like bookends.

There is the beginning when it is so exciting – this new idea as you watch it take form.

There is then the middle with a lean toward the finish line, but you can’t yet quite see it and think you may never cross it.

To then the final leg of the journey when all the moving parts are coming together and that finish line becomes visible!

It’s the space between the bookends that I find the most enjoyable as the actual process of creating.

While at times frustrating to reach the finish line it comes with some bittersweet moments of being this far – missing that creative time.

But it is exciting at the same time too!



To book a private oracle reading just for you click here.

To book a private oracle reading for your pet (and you) click here.


Song of the Grandmothers Oracle Deck – Deeply Touching and Gorgeous

Today I’m sharing with you an oracle deck I recently purchased – though interestingly, for the longest time I didn’t think I needed this deck. But then recently I realized it was calling to me. It would end up being a helpful and lovely guide in the completion of a healing cycle I’d gone through.

The deck is called, The Song of the Grandmothers and is by Kara Simons and illustrated by Mari in the Sky. The cards are deep and gorgeous and the story behind Kara creating them is very touching. Whether your grandmother was in your life or not, or if it wasn’t the best of a relationship, these cards help us connect with a plethora of grandmother wisdom that truly touched my heart.

I hope you enjoy this video I did about it. I also pulled a card from the deck as a message for all of us at this time. Timely and perfect.

Click here or below to watch. XO, Barb

To book a private oracle reading just for you click here.

To book a private oracle reading for your pet (and you) click here.


Wisdom of the Wild Ones – The Encyclopedia of Animal Spirit Guides

If you can’t get into the wild, well, the next best thing just might be this book with 699 pages of animals by Bernadette King. One, if not the only, most comprehensive book about the many creatures we share this planet with (as well as mythical ones too).

I remember as a kid having encyclopedias and this is exactly what this book is. Chockfull of information such as key powers and energies of animals, prayer, and intention for each animal, and also broken down into messages for each animal in the categories of spirit animal, totem animal, power animal, and animal dreams. Bernadette also includes insights on working with cardinal directions, seasons, elements, colors, and numerology. 

What I appreciate about animal medicine is that there is indeed a plethora of ways in which to work with their teachings. And they are just waiting to be your teacher and help you to live your best life. So all you have to do is just open the cover and begin your self-guided safari or walk in nature right from your living room sofa.

While this book may require a table all its own (I have mine sitting on a TV tray in Joyful Pause Cottage Studio) – I love having it nearby to open a page at random to see what guidance an animal offers or to intentionally sit down and learn more about a particular animal.

You can learn more about Bernadette’s book on her website here.



To book a private oracle reading click here.

To book a private oracle reading for your pet click here.