Video of Pangolin Art and Raffle to Support Rescue & Release of Pangolin – Most Trafficked Animal on the Planet

Mixed Media Dimensional Pangolin Art Piece

About two weeks ago I shared a blog post about the plight of the pangolin as being the most trafficked animal on the planet.

Today I recorded this video below so you can see the art piece up close and hear about why I felt called to do something in an effort to bring more awareness to the pangolin and The African Working Group working on their behalf to save and release them into safe territories where they can thrive.

To enter for a chance to win the mixed-media piece I created in their honor:

One raffle ticket – $5. Purchase here.
Three raffle tickets – $10. Purchase here.
Five raffle tickets – $20. Purchase here.

If you’d rather not use Paypal you can also purchase tickets via my Venmo @Barbara-Techel

The winner will be chosen at random on Tuesday, January 31st, and contacted by email.

 **Open to US residents only due to shipping costs.

All proceeds will be donated to

Thanks so much for watching and for your support!




Finding the Light

We’ve not had much sun for a good part of December and now into January. It’s also been unusual as we also haven’t had snow for a few weeks and it’s also been above average in temperatures in the 30s and low 40s. While I don’t really mind gloomy days for a time being, this stretch has tested me and I’ve felt my spirit dip a bit.

Then yesterday afternoon as I headed into the house, after being in my studio all day, to practice the second round of my twice-daily breathwork, the sun began to slowly peek through the clouds.

When I saw this sunbeam filtering through the living room patio door, my spirit shot up a notch and I instantly knew I needed to move my chair to take advantage of this special moment.

Those twenty minutes of slowing down my breath and the sunbeam angled in just the right way that I felt its warm rays filling me from the inside out were incredibly magical.

And just like that, my sluggish energy from the days on end of no sun was immediately rejuvenated.

I so love moments like this that reinvigorate in me the teaching that within the dark we gain a deeper appreciation of the light. One can’t exist without the other. After the dark times in life, the light does come again, if we are willing to keep the faith and trust that it will.

“Life isn’t just about darkness or light, rather it’s about finding light within the darkness.”

– Landon Parham



To book a private oracle reading just for you click here.

To book a private oracle reading for your pet (and you) click here.


Patience and Uncertainty Leads to Beauty In More Ways Than One

I think many of us can say that patience and uncertainty are two of those things that take some time to become more comfortable with. I wonder if age and life experience have something to do with it as I find I’m more patient than in my younger years. Though I can still have my moments.  And uncertainty? Well, I can say that going through the last three years and so much change on this planet, I believe, that yes, I’ve come to a bit more acceptance with that one too.

It was October when I foraged in my garden and on my daily walks for dried flowers and leaves for future art projects. After each foraging escapade, I’d carefully place the newly picked petals and leaves in my flower press. Saying goodbye to summer with the vibrant colors the season brought in the foliage and flowers and now putting into practice patience and being open to the uncertainty to waiting to see how they would transform.

This all ran through my mind as over the weekend I finally revealed the foliage and petals that had gone into the darkness of that flower press to work their magic in a new way.

While I love all the vibrant colors of the warmer months in the blooms and full trees there was a new beauty that swept me up in awe as I opened my flower press and saw the transformation of what I’d so carefully tended to during the fall to preserve.

This May it will be four years since my dachshund, Gidget, passed away. At the time, I couldn’t imagine not bringing another dog into my life sooner, rather than later. Though I wasn’t even sure if there would be another dog in our family, because John and I agreed to take a break, and because he just wasn’t ready.

Little did I know at the time also the beauty patience and uncertainty would bring to this area of my life. While I had pangs of missing the companionship of a dog the last few years, I also opened myself to learning to just be with me.

At times I’ve felt lonely when John is gone, but there were also times that I enjoyed this freedom I’d not had for a very long time. I’m also grateful for how the relationship between John and I blossomed in a deeper and more enriching way too. So much beauty and expansion came over these (almost) last four years.

I’d say for about the last year the idea of bringing another dog into our lives, on both our parts, has become stronger with each passing day. To now, that John and I have agreed that spring or summer is when we will begin our search for a dog in rescue to adopt. Though truth be told, I have, at times, been known to wander over to rescue group sites in the area to take a peek.

But spring or summer feels right for us as we’ve planned to be gone for six weeks later this winter and travel which is a maiden voyage trip in our new-to-us motorcoach. But both John and I look forward to welcoming a dog into our lives again and having a dog come with us on future travel adventures.

And this has all been a new experience for me, as in the past, the idea of having dogs in our lives was something I wanted. Though John has loved all our dogs, it was more for him about honoring my needs. But now, together, we’ve made the decision, which came from patience – more so on my part – and again, more so on my part – learning to be with uncertainty – should he had not wanted another dog. 

This beauty of growing and evolving together in our relationship and expressing our feelings and needs as we move forward in creating more memories. This indeed feels pretty sweet which came about because of two things we so often resist which are patience and uncertainty. But I can now say I’ve experienced in a new and deepening way.



To book a private oracle reading just for you click here.

To book a private oracle reading for your pet (and you) click here.