Sitting at my vanity this morning, getting ready for the day, and still in my nightgown, the impulse to jump up and run across the deck with camera in hand hit me…
It was the dew on the leaves on the Day Lily plant I could see through my window that called to me. I felt like a little fairy frolicking through the grass still wet with that same dew, as I approached the beauty of the Day Lily not yet in bloom that I felt compelled to take a photo.
As I brought the picture up on my computer across my mind tumbled a meaning of why I was so drawn to capture the image before it was gone.
I saw the dew droplets as all the possibilities for ones life when you surrender and the buds not yet open, but will soon burst into something more magnificent than you could have even imagined.
And this reflects how I feel right now after having gone through something that was quite intense. How even though it was painful, I opened myself to a higher perspective, and was granted clarity and a deeper understanding. This resulted not only in feeling more compassion and love for myself, but this same love and compassion is what I’m feeling on a deeper level for someone I love.
The buds about to burst represent feelings of new growth that have already occurred and will continue to if I stay in a place of observation from my heart instead of from staying in a place of pain that tends to close me off.
Nature. How often it speaks to us with such deep wisdom when we allow ourselves to follow those impulses and keep our heart open to what we can gain in understanding.