My Wolf Mixed Media Collage for Sale – The Gentle Call of Wolf

Wolf Mixed Media Collage – The Gentle Call of Wolf – 9 x 12 on birchwood panel – $75.00 plus $8.00 shipping, can be purchased here. Message from Wolf (below) can be adhered to back or sent as separate copy. Let me know your preference when purchasing. For international shipping, please email me for cost.

As I wrote about in a recent blog post, it was laying down for a nap one afternoon that an image similar to this came into my mind. I knew then I wanted to recreate what I was seeing in my minds eye into a mixed media collage.

While I’d finished it about a week ago the message to go with it would take some time to come to the surface.

Wolf for me is all about the heart and she came to me during a time in my life when my heart was broken. While our hearts can feel such exhilaration of love we have a harder time when we experience pain and heartache. How often we want to push those uncomfortable feelings down when they come calling on our door step. But Wolf has taught me to keep my heart open.

And most importantly to feel all that I’m feeling.

So this piece is inspired by my dear friend, Wolf, who continues to walk beside me and encourages me every step of the way to be all of who I am – and especially during difficult times.

Below is the message that comes with this Wolf art piece:

The Gentle Call of Wolf

Wolf comes to you with an important message. There is nothing more important than your heart.

The heart brings joy, love, and peace. This is what inspires you to keep stepping into the one precious self that is you.

But the heart also experiences grief and anger. This is when you want to cry out in pain. To be seen and heard. But how often it is we hold back and don’t allow ourselves to feel. We suffer in shame and a cycle of self-judgment runs through us in a never-ending circle.

Wolf invites you to express your emotions. To howl it out into the Universe as you will be lovingly supported by Mother Nature, the animals, and the Divine.

As you do, this opens a space inside you where you are able to feel a flow of expansion and freedom. You are now able to embrace all of who you are without criticism. You see yourself anew and that you are indeed a magnificent part of the cosmos.

Know that Wolf walks with you every step of the way guiding you to embrace the fullness of you. And encourages you to trust your feelings as valid and important to be all you are meant to be.

With your heart leading the way, your passions and dreams come back into your consciousness once again as Wolf cheers you on to howl with pride and share your wisdom that will echo long after you’ve roamed this earth.

©Barbara Techel

My mixed media Animal Oracle Art thoughtfully blends together chosen images of animals that have inspired and/or captured my attention in some way!  Each image and corresponding backgrounds are enhanced with a variety of pastel chalks, pencils, markers, and paint. My collages include dried florals, leaves, and natural elements I discover on my walks such as acorns, feathers, stones, and tree branches, along with bits of discarded/recycled ephemera. Animal image and supporting images are then curated and adhered to create a dimensional effect that is gently and lovingly nestled with care into a 9 x 12 birchwood shadow box. Comes with an intuited oracle message that can be included on back of piece or sent as separate copy that serves as a guide to deepen the connection to yourself, animals, and nature.

