I have to first share that John and I used to go camping every Memorial weekend when we were younger and ventured out a few other times also. At first it was in a tent and then we had a camper for a time being. It was fun, but when we decided to give it up, I was more than ready.
Maybe it had to do with buying a home and then that became a priority. Though I must say I didn’t miss sleeping in a sleeping bag in a tent — especially when it rained and was cold and damp.
So I still find myself smiling and quietly chuckling to myself that I’m so excited about this new adventure we have embarked on with converting our cargo van to a camper and plan to travel when we can with it. As many of you know, we tested it out recently for two nights and it went well.
Now phase two of the conversion begins with adding a kitchen area, storage, swivel seats, etc. which we will do over the winter months. Fortunately, John has a heated work garage so that is where the work will be done.
On our recent vacation to Tennessee we took two days to make the trip, staying one night in the van on the way down and back home again.
The KOA campground we stayed in on the way home in Shepherdsville, Kentucky was really nice. After we checked in and we were loading some firewood we bought into the back of the van, I could hardly contain my excitement about building a fire in the fire ring and excited about staying in a campground again.
I said to John, “We should have camping code names!” Where on earth I came up with that I’m not sure!
He said, “Oh my God, no. Why?”
“Well, because it would be fun!” I said somewhat still excited, but feeling a bit let down that he thought the idea was silly and I was being ridiculous.
He said, “EarthWind to Bubbling Brook.”
We both busted out laughing!
Of course, after that, John found it funny to call me Babbling Brook instead of Bubbling. I’ve been quite adamant in correcting him each time he does, saying “I DO NOT BABBLE!” And yes, he just laughs. I do think bubbling fits my personality so much better. 🙂
So perhaps it isn’t as funny to you reading this and one had to be in the moment. But it does make me smile and warms my heart the relationship that John and I have.
We celebrated thirty-two years of marriage yesterday and I can say we are most definitely two peas in a pod. Life with him just gets better and better every day. And even our cards we gave each other and what we wrote were so similar, just worded differently, that we had a good laugh over that too.
Code names or not….I feel so incredibly blessed for this journey I am on with John.
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