This morning out on my walk I came across a dead bird on the sidewalk.
It always breaks my heart to see dead critters on the side of the road – one’s I can’t help with and what I feel would be a proper burial for them.
I do bless them as I drive by and wish their soul well in the next realm.
But today I could do something about the small sparrow that lay lifeless on the cement.
I grabbed a plastic bag I carry in Gidget’s stroller and gently picked him up and placed him safely in the bottom pocket of the stroller.
Once home, I dug a hole in my flower garden outside my writing cottage, wished his soul a happy journey, and covered him with dirt.
I don’t know, but it just makes me feel better to know his little body isn’t out in the elements. That perhaps he is now completely at peace and rest.
And that puts my heart at peace, too.
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