Author Archives: Barbara Techel

Cicada and Animal Wisdom: Co-Emerging to Sing Our Songs! My Interview hosted by Martha Alter Hines

I had such an inspiring and delightful conversation recently with the lovely Martha Alter Hines – Spiritual Mentor, Astrologer, Author – talking about Cicada and Animal Wisdom and how we are ALL being invited to sing our songs to make this planet one of love and peace.

Click here or on graphic above to listen!

And PLEASE do join in the conversation if you feel called to! We’d love to hear YOUR thoughts too! ❤




Currently on My Art Table: An Ode to Cicada and their Special Emergence this Summer.

A few weeks ago I began to hear about a phenomona which hasn’t happened since 1803 and how this summer millions of cicadas will emerge in the midwest.

There is a 13 year called Brood XIX and a 17 year called Brood XIII of cicada emerging during this summer and what is being called a co-emergence. These two specific broods with different life cycles co-emerge only every 221 years.

Soooo, as I’ve been hearing more about this special event I’ve also heard some ‘negative’ press with the warning: ‘Cover your ears! It will be deafening!’

This perspective immediately made me want to be an advocate for Cicada and encourage us to lean into what it is we can see about ourselves and learn from Cicada at this time.

It has me pondering where in our lives are we not singing our own songs? I see this rare occurrence and this large body of Cicada coming up from underground as a mirror to guide us back to remembering why we are here on this planet. And that we are here to sing from our hearts! A time for us to come out of from the darkness we’ve been in and forgetting that we are here to explore, discover, evolve, and emerge into more of a state of peace and joy .

And instead of covering our ears, it’s an invitation to open them and ‘tune into’- as in really listening deeply – to what it is we may need to actually hear within our own inner world to help us to live in the truth of who we really are.

It’s an opportunity to add our voice to this co-emergence that we just happen to be here for at this time as again, it only happens every 221 years. And and how exciting is it we are here to witness this!?

I’ll be adding an oracle message to the back and once complete this Cicada will be for sale here my website.

P.S. If you’d like to learn more about where in the midwest they will emerge and other information, I found this website helpful:

