Author Archives: Barbara Techel

Walking Between Worlds

Freezing fog again this morning makes for the most gorgeous of trees and branches that take on a frosty and lacey effect.

Walking up this path as I set out on my walk around 7 a.m. I felt like I was was eveloped between worlds.

Yesterday, another foggy day – we’ve had quite a few lately – at one point, later in the day, it felt unnerving because it was also exceptionally quiet and still.

But why I was feeling unsettled about this, I wondered? When I thought about it more, I recalled years ago leaving the corporate world, in part, because I craved quiet.

It then occurred to me that my nervous system had been on high alert the last few years with all we’ve been through. And the stillness wasn’t feeling comfortable. In a way it felt like I was waiting, to use an old pun, “for the other shoe to drop.”

But was that a story I was just telling myself? Perhaps I should just relax and enjoy this space of stillness. A reminder that when we go through times of upheaval in our lives, it’s only temporary. And that indeed, stillness does return. But none of it is to be feared, but rather are the cycles of life.

Returning from my walk I was curious about the symbolism of fog. While it can represent the boundary between reality and illusion, and mystery, uncertainty and confusion, it was this meaning from a website that struck me.

“Fog can be soothing; giving you the sense that the things which trouble you are far, far away, and allowing you to let go of the stresses and strains of your everyday life.”

While yes, there is always uncertainty in life, I appreciate this insight that fog can also be an opportunity to just relax into what is and let go of any worries.

And just like that, as I finish writing this post, the sun has come out. Dissolving the world of fog and we now enter into another world of sunshine.

Indeed, we are always walking between worlds.




For the Love of Sparrow

As I walked over to my printer the other morning, it was this sweet sparrow that caught my eye outside Joyful Pause Cottage studio window.

So unassuming. Still as could be. Something about this struck me.

The image stayed with me for days.

A few times glancing again at the picture I’d captured, I’d feel my heart swell and tears spring to my eyes.

How often we only see beauty in the bright colors of the world.

The shades of brown not so much.

The sparrow often overlooked or underrated.

Yet, I found so much elegance in this scene outside my window.

While I don’t yet know why it struck me so or that this has continued to stay with me, I’m in gratitude to Sparrow.

For the feelings in my heart that stir even though I can’t name them.

But makes me that much more appreciative of this one precious life.




February Animal Wisdom Oracle Guidance. NEW format!

I really enjoyed recording an audio version of this month’s reading for you, complete with soft and relaxing music playing in the background!

You can use it in your meditation practice if you wish, as a prompt to journaling and self-reflection, or as inspiration to begin or end your day. I also invite you to pull a card from an oracle deck of your choice to add some personal insight to the reading. Lastly, I’ll also include the PDF of the monthly readings to serve as a guide for journaling/reflection.

I hope you enjoy! I’d love to hear your insights after listening!

Without further ado… here is this month’s reading and PDF:



P.S. FREE SHIPPING on my Animal Reflections Healing Oracle deck now through Feb. 11th, 2024. You can order here if interested!

