Yesterday was a day I will hold in my heart for a long time to come.
Frankie and I were on the road by 4:30a to make sure we arrived on time to Channel 5 for our early morning interview. It was exciting to see the “behind the scenes” of a TV news show. It is so funny because as you walk into the studio, the news anchors are on air, doing there thing and it looks all glamorous. But behind the scenes it is “normal.” The camera people are in jeans, t-shirts and flip flops. There is also a whole control crew behind- behind the scenes, who we did not even see… but we knew they were there. I was so glad Kristi from Butterfly Bookstore was there for moral support and to lead the way to our next appearance which was on Channel 11.
I was a bit nervous for the first interview, but then after I accomplished Channel 5, I felt like I could do anything! With Frankie at my side and sharing her message of hope, I have found a confidence in myself I never knew I had.
The rest of the morning I spent doing a little shopping in some cute little shops downtown DePere, plus at a local farmer’s market. It was funny because a few people recognized us from seeing us on the news earlier in the morning and they would shout Frankie’s name. That felt quite surreal. One lady stopped her car dead in the middle of the street, with a big bus behind her and said, “I saw you on TV this morning! Where can I get your book?” What a hoot! I finished up my morning doing some work (brought along my laptop) at Cafe Indulge, just steps down from Butterfly Bookstore.
Frankie and I arrived early to our book signing and were greeted with enthusiastic welcome’s from Diane, Kristi and Barbara at Butterfly Books. This is a picture of a few kids starting to join… and the crowd grew and grew and grew…even two wiener dogs joined in the fun, Rosey and Bogart!
The kids all sat Indian-style on the floor and their eyes fixated on little Frankie. I could feel the compassion and kindness from everyone in that room… I truly could. Bursts of giggles could be heard as Frankie did a mini fashion show. She showed off her Packer beads, her pink helmet and ended with her hot dog costume, which brought loud bursts of laughter.
I am so grateful to Butterfly Books for all they did to promote our visit and to help me spread my message that disabled animals can live great lives. At the end of my presentation I had 7 children come to the front of the room. I gave them each a word I had written on card stock. I then asked them to one by one turn the cards over and asked everyone to shout each word. I got choked up as everyone said together, Frankie’s motto, “Always be positive and keep on rolling!”