
June 2024 Animal Wisdom Oracle Reading: PICK-A-CARD

Click on image to listen to this month’s reading

June’s animal wisdom oracle reading is ready for you! Something different this month is along with animal oracle cards, I also use Animal Chakra Awareness cards for an area of energetic focus to go along with the animal message.

I’d love to hear your thoughts and reflections from the reading!





Tiger Animal Wisdom – Staying Devoted to Your Personal Healing Journey

I was inspired to record this video for you by Tiger who has made its presence to me a few times in the last two weeks.

I hope you will enjoy this wisdom from Tiger and my reflections. I’d LOVE to hear your thoughts and reflections too!

Listen here: https://youtu.be/klM8bzcXGgg?si=bnOWoeNpD4ZOj7fG




Cicada and Animal Wisdom: Co-Emerging to Sing Our Songs! My Interview hosted by Martha Alter Hines

I had such an inspiring and delightful conversation recently with the lovely Martha Alter Hines – Spiritual Mentor, Astrologer, Author – talking about Cicada and Animal Wisdom and how we are ALL being invited to sing our songs to make this planet one of love and peace.

Click here or on graphic above to listen!

And PLEASE do join in the conversation if you feel called to! We’d love to hear YOUR thoughts too! ❤

