As part of my Blog Triage class our recent assignment was to re-evaluate the colors on our blogs. I have to admit that had me feeling a bit apprehensive. I am very attached to the colors lime green and periwinkle! One of the instructors suggested that reading white lettering on a dark background can be difficult for many people.
I have to admit that I said, "Arrrggghhh!" under my breath when she suggested I just try working with different colors. But then I said to myself, "Self, you paid for this class to have the best blog you can have, and you want to attract more people to your tribe via this blog which you love so much, so you best give it a try."
So for three hours yesterday afternoon I gave it my all. I have to say, I am thrilled with the new color scheme. I would not have believed it if I hadn't tried it! I stuck with it even when I was becoming frustrated with some of the "techie" stuff, and am so glad I did. I was even able to keep my all time favorite colors lime green and periwinkle! As a side to the color periwinkle, I often tell my husband if I die before him to tell everyone to wear periwinkle to my funeral. He calls me the Periwinkle Queen! I wear the title proudly!
I hope too you will each enjoy the new colors. I'd love to know what you think! And it would help me to make sure I have my comments section set up correctly. Been having some issues with that too. So, my tribe, what do you think? And if you are curious why I refer to you as "my tribe," check out my new bio on my About page.