Abundance is a process of letting go; that which is empty can receive. Bryant H. McGill
I recently finished reading a book titled, The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Organizing and Decluttering by Marie Kondo.
Before I finished reading the last chapter Monday evening I couldn’t help but stop and organize my leggings, tights, socks, bras and undies drawers in my closet. It’s all in the art of folding and tossing or donating what does not “spark joy” which is the title of Marie’s second book, and I just picked up on loan from my library yesterday afternoon. This new book shows many illustrations that Marie talks about in her first book.
There is truly something to the release and gaining of energy that one encounters when putting these practices into place. While I’ve purged and organized over the years and always feel a new abundance of energy when I do, Marie shares that her method will keep you from returning to declutter. Time will tell as I continue to make small steps toward doing more of my clothing, books, papers, etc. which I will tackle as I feel moved to and more so when winter arrives.
I share photos here of my leggings and socks drawers I did and will spare you my bra and undies drawer. 🙂 But seriously, because I don’t have an over abundance of either of those, that drawer is quite sparse as I’m pretty basic when it comes to those departments. To me, at this age, it’s all about comfort!

While Marie suggests in her “KonMari” method to tri-fold socks, I found that my wool socks are too thick for that and actually take up more room, so they are just folded in half. So you just have to experiment and do what feels right for you in certain categories of clothing.
But my point of writing about this today is really how beneficial this decluttering and organizing is to ones psyche and energy levels. I really believe there is something to this that if we live in a mess or over abundance of material things that no longer bring us joy, how that can clutter our mind and take up our precious energy – leaving no room for other areas of abundance to flow in.
Perhaps it is coincidence (though I don’t believe so!), but after doing those few drawers in my closet Monday evening, yesterday I had an amazing flow of creative ideas come to me that I’d not thought of before! While I was on a high from organizing those drawers I felt full up with abundance with this new flow of creativity. I don’t know about you, but when creative ideas hit, it feels absolutely magical to me!
And I couldn’t help but share the photo of the truck full of mums for this post as it speaks to me of the abundance of beauty we can find ourselves opening to when we learn to let go of what no longer serves us, or the time has truly come to let go and move on.
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