Fun Stop at Children’s Dog Books Blog Today!

Mon, June 8
— Writer and dog trainer Charlotte Mielziner posts her interview with Barbara at Children’s Dog Books  I knew right away when I received Charlotte’s interview question that she is a dachshund lover, so be sure to check out this interview!

REMINDER:  There is a SPECIAL OFFER FOR VISITORS TO THE VIRTUAL BLOG TOUR. Each guest who comments on a post in Barbara and Frankie’s tour will be entered in a drawing for some fun, unique gifts that will especially appeal to Frankie fans and other dog lovers. We will give away several items from Frankie’s store. These include two Frankie t-shirts and two Frankie tote bags.

Speaking of children. Since Charlotte’s blog is children’s dog books just had to share these photo’s with you (below).  A teacher from Canada sent me these explaining a 9-year old sweet little girl was so excited when she came to class the other day!  She had made her very own “Frankie” she told her teacher with her Littlest Pet Shop Dog.  Dealing her own challenges having juevenille diabetes, it was heart-warming to know she made a special connection with Frankie!  I LOVE receiving stories like these!!