All week I’d been wanting to go for a walk in the small wooded area near my home. But I couldn’t seem to get myself to do it until this afternoon.
Earlier in the week, I mailed out the wheelchair that Frankie and Joie used to an organization called Red Flyer. They accept used wheelchairs and then donate them to animal rescues. Harlan, the founder of Red Flyer said he would let me know who the wheelchair goes to. That did my heart good. I’m looking forward to seeing a photo of the lucky recipient.
This morning I donated Gidget’s stroller to a second-hand shop where all the proceeds benefit animals in need in our local area. This made my heart feel good to know another dog will enjoy it.
But whew…all this letting go.
I rarely went for a walk without Gidget so I felt some trepidation as I put my walking shoes on this afternoon. But I felt called to visit the woods and see if it didn’t have some advice for my still aching heart.
Walking through the woods I was reminded of life and death and how there is beauty in each.
Trillium flower in full bloom among the dead leaves.
Looked like a cross to me, but actually from old wire fencing and what was once a post. But seeing this as a cross reminded me of a higher power that always has a plan.
“Lady of the woods” birch trees surrounded by trees with no life left in them.
I’ve never come across an egg this size! Not sure what bird would have hatched from here. But it made me think about how my heart is cracked open like this shell, while at the same time new life sprung from this shell. Just like new life will spring from my broken heart.
and okay…this wasn’t in the woods but was my treat when I got home. “It’s not about where an adventure ends.” I had to think about this one for a moment. I understand it as the adventure with Gidget does not end. It’s just a new way in which we are now in a relationship with each other….and so the adventure continues.
I’m so glad I went for a walk in the woods. So many counselors on hand to help walk me back home and my heart feels a little lighter for it.
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