Joie Reminds Me to Be Peace… and Pass It On


Seeing Joie safe and at peace snuggled in John’s arms this weekend I couldn’t help but thinking how I’d do anything in my power to make sure my family is always safe.  Like many, I’m sure, my mind still can’t comprehend the tragedy that happened in Newton, CT.  I have felt so helpless, wishing there was something I could do. I’ve limited my exposure to the news coverage as I simply can’t handle hearing most of what is said, nor do I want to let my life be led by fear.

But there is something I can do, that we can all do.  We can pray and keep praying. We can each be a symbol of peace in our own way.  We can each let our unique light shine and live our true, authentic self. By doing so, we give that power to others to do the same.  And as much as we may want to hate the obviously very disturbed young man who did this, hate just begets hate. I pray that the real issues of why this happens and continues to happen can be addressed– and that action will start today, or has already started. I certainly don’t know the answers of how to make this all happen, but I believe that love begets love. We need so much more of it in our world.  We can each do our part in spreading that love in our own community, and among family and friends just by being the magnificent, unique light  we were created to be…. and not be afraid to let it shine.

The human spirit is stronger than anything that can happen to it.  -George C. Scott