Just One of Those Days

just one of those days

It is just one of those days you wish would never end. All weekend it’s been in the low 70s – about 20 degrees above average for this time.

I think soaking up some sun was just in order for the Gidge girl who is recovering from having six teeth pulled.

She’s still on pain meds which makes her a bit out of it. But she took her job very seriously today of being lazy and taking in some good old vitamin D.

And it’s just one of those days when one feels so accomplished for all the spring household projects like washing windows and dog bedding washed and hanging on the line, and clean up around the yard and outside completed.

And it’s just one of those days when your remember back only two weeks ago when the snow fell yet again and you thought spring would never ever get here… but it did… and it is just another reminder to never give up hope.

And it’s just one of those days when you want to linger in all its glory for as long as you can…which is exactly what I plan on doing. I’m sure Gidge will be happy to continue to help me in that department!

Have a beautiful week everyone.

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