It was a special, special weekend because Bookworm Gardens had its Grand Opening! Over 1,000 people visited the children’s literature garden on Saturday alone!
John and I attended the ribbon cutting at 9:30am. I had to wipe away a few tears as Founder, Sandy Livermore read a little story that lead to the dream for Bookworm Gardens- a place for families to connect with nature, read, play, laugh… and all without cell phones, etc.- 11 years in the making.
My favorite part of the gardens on Saturday was watching the children build fairy houses in a section of the woods– I truly thought fairies were going to start flying around us! Though I do believe fairies only appear after dark. <GRIN>
It was a DELIGHT to see children also enjoying Frankie’s house… and for some reason some kids thought Frankie’s statue was a mini horse!
If ever you find yourself in Sheboygan, Wisconsin you won’t want to miss Bookworm Gardens!