Lily found her way to someone with a huge heart willing to go the distance and help her with her paralysis after her previous owners were unable to care for her.
Sydnie was Lily’s angel. She contacted me in October stating she needed help with a wheelchair for Lily asking if The Frankie Wheelchair Fund could help. I was more than happy to do just that and provide the funds for a wheelchair to be custom built by Eddie’s Wheels for Pets.
Sydnie worked hard with Lily improving her condition, but a wheelchair was still needed to provide quality of life for Lily. The wheelchair arrived in early November and while Lily’s story had a great beginning, I’m sad to report that she was diagnosed with Lymphona a few short days after she was up and rolling in her wheelchair.
Sydnie contacted me letting me know that Lily was in a lot of pain and the most humane thing to do was help her cross over, which she did, even though her heart was shattered. She also felt so bad for not being able to do more for Lily and felt in someway she had let her down.
Having been through this with Joie, I completely understood, and assured Sydnie that I truly believe that Lily knew how fortunate she was to have had a wonderful life with Sydnie the last few months. And now Lily is Syndnie’s angel.
And…. Lily’s wheelchair will help another disabled dog in need. As part of the Frankie Wheelchair Fund I ask that recipients of a wheelchair from the fund, return the wheelchair to Eddie’s Wheels when it is no longer needed. So the gift goes on…
If you are looking to donate this holiday season to a great cause, I’d be delighted if you considered The Frankie Wheelchair Fund, which helps disabled dogs in need of a wheelchair. To date, with the generous donations of others, I’ve been able to help over sixty dogs with the gift of mobility. Donations can be made online here. Thanks for your consideration!
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