Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s courage. ~Anais Nin
I so often sense or hear from women in various ways the struggle to remain true to who they are. A few months ago doing a reading for a client she said, “How can I be my own best friend?”
I recall the moment vividly as my hand immediately flew to rest on my heart and tears pooled in my eyes. It hit a deep place within. Little did I know her question was a reflection of the call I was about to embark on doing the deepest inner work I’ve done to date.
So often though, this is how it works. While animals have, and continue to be, a powerful reflection for me, it’s friends, family, clients, my connection to Spirit, nature, and creativity that also guide me to explore life in a new way which are so often reminders to continue to be me. The more I open to this, the more I’m supported.
This week on my blog, I wrote about something that felt vulnerable. Something for a long time I found difficulty in expressing for fear of judgement. I shared that even though I’ll be sad when my dachshund, Gidget passes on, there will be some relief too.
When I found myself not being able to cope well earlier this spring, it was getting to the core of buried pain from childhood that I was able to see this as a reflection of my inner world reflected in my outer world and my coping skills that were causing me great angst. It was a call to be true to myself and take time to be with all the emotions I’d never let surface.
I could have never predicted the outcome in that my coping skills drastically improved once I seriously focused and worked through what I needed to. I’m in a place again of acceptance and peace of where I’m at and staying connected to my truth as important as I continue to move forward.
Sharing this truth, I received an email from someone that shared with me they would no longer be following my blog. They shared that since I was “separating myself from the idea of helping the dogs no one else had time for,” as the reason.
While I don’t want to speculate what this person may have meant by this, it did bring up feelings I had to sit with. Such as how for so long I often feared disappointing others or they’d do just what this person did and move on. I had to discern what was mine and if there was any truth in the statement as I was hearing it. As first, it wasn’t pleasant and was uncomfortable with my old story that tried to take over.
I realized as I sat with my feelings this was a reminder to stay true to myself and what my truth is. While I’ve made the decision to not personally care for another special needs dog after Gidget, her teachings, as well as others before her, remain deeply embedded in who I am. I will carry that with me always and what an honor to have been positively changed because of each of them.
I carry the wisdom of them forward in being true to myself by following the call in my heart to be of service to women who struggle with wanting to be true to who they are, just like I have, and sometimes still do – and guiding women who are in one form of transition or another, encouraging them to live from the authenticity of their hearts.
When we follow our souls calling, it means an ebb and flow of expansion and letting go. Nothing stays the same. The truth is that I do look forward to a day when I’ll have a chance to explore and experience life in a new way without a special needs dog to care for. This isn’t a selfish statement, but one of which I’m honoring what feels right for me.
But it has also made the remaining time I have with Gidget all the more precious knowing she will be my last. Because of her recent powerful teaching, she helped me come to an even deeper understanding of how being true to who I am matters.

While I let go in one sense, I know I’ll also never separate myself from the wisdom from my dog friends, nor would I wish to, as it is integral to who I am and how I will continue to strive to be true to me and my ever evolving self.
This has led me to my wish for you, my fellow soul sisters, to do the same and embrace all of who you are, too. When we embrace all of who we are, and let go, well…just get ready for the universe to gift you with new opportunities…and enjoy the flow!
What do you need to know about staying true to yourself?
The Heart of the Sky from Wisdom of the Oracle: This card immediately spoke to me of how my heart has a direct line to Spirit. When I remember this and stay connected, and trust, I then by default stay true to what matters most to me. I don’t get caught up in falling down the rabbit hole when I try to manage others. I can only be responsible for me. When I remember this and practice it, I have the energy to be my true best self and positively impact others.
Wolf from Power Animal Oracle: Anytime I pull the Wolf card I feel a whoosh of love go through my heart being that Wolf has been my spirit animal guide for quite some time now. My first encounter with her through a guided visualization during a painful time of letting go, as a reminder that I am safe, to keep my heart open, when it feels like it wants shut down for fear of getting hurt again. She reminded me then, and now, to continue to follow the fire (passion) within and she will protect me. She certainly has! Thank you Wolf!
Your turn: What do these cards mean to you in regards to being true to yourself? A suggestion is that you may want to find some quiet time and journal with this question.
Here’s to staying true to you!
Interested in a personal reading/coaching session? You can learn more here.
A lovely thing a client shared about her recent session. Thank you, Monica!
I have work to do. Hard work. In my seemingly never-ending quest to gain clarity about my path in life, I booked an oracle reading with Barb Techel. The session was time well spent.
Even though we were a thousand miles apart, my session flowed so easily, it felt as comfortable as being across the living room. The session brought awareness to areas of my being that need further exploration. Without attempting to fix my issues or challenges, Barb guided my attention in where self-excavation may serve me well. Ultimately, I need to do the hard work. Barb’s intuitive coaching helped shine a light on the focal point of where to begin. Now, where did I put that shovel? ~Monica S.