When things are too hard for me to wrap my head around, I turn to mentors I look up to for some sense of understanding. I share this below from Marianne Williamson. I also took a moment and picked a card from my Grace card deck as I’m feeling so sad about the events from Boston. I share that grace card below also. If you are struggling and would like some grace, please leave a comment and I’ll pick a grace card for you and leave it for you as a reply.
I do believe we each have to be the peace for which we want for our world, while at the same time, wish for that peace even more for those we may not understand.
From Marianne Williamson:
Let’s all stop for a moment, close our eyes, and send love and peace to the city of Boston, and to all those affected in any way by the explosions at the Marathon. Simply tune in and send love from your heart to them. We send as well our peace and healing to the person or people who have done this, that they might be awakened to the Light within them and cease all harmful action NOW. Amen.
Dear God,
Please send Your angels to the city of Boston.
Heal all wounds,
Work miracles among the people
and calm their troubled hearts.
The grace card that I randomly picked is:
I felt befuddled at first for drawing this card, wondering why. But ah, I turned it over and this is what it says:
**These grace cards are from www.cherylrichardson.com and can be ordered from Amazon if you’d like a deck for yourself for your daily grace.