If only I could remember all the parts of my dreams.
I try really hard, but it seems I can only manage to remember one small tidbit of them. Maybe I’m trying too hard?!
The only thing I recall of my dream last night was that I encountered a skunk. And then he sprayed me right in the face!
Upon awakening, I thought, “What in the world could that mean?”
I’m increasingly becoming more and more fascinated with what our animal world is trying to teach us, not just dogs, which I’ve learned so much from in the past ten years. I can’t help but think they’ve led the way for me to now become more interested and open to other animal teachings.
For a long time I always thought you had to actually encounter an animal to receive a message. But I now understand to pay attention by patterns of animals that show up whether in images or on TV, or in person too, as well as in dreams.
When one shows up in my dreams, I get excited and intrigued about what it is I’m supposed to understand that perhaps I’m not getting.
One thing I’ve learned to do because of my animal communicator friend, Dawn, whose written lots of books on the subject, is to think deeper into their meanings and listen to my own intuition to how that animal is trying to speak to me.
It’s often called animal medicine which is the Native American practice of embracing an awareness that reveals itself when a certain animal crosses our path.
It’s “the custom of animal medicine refers to the healing aspects that a particular animal brings to our consciousness. This would mean anything that supports, strengthens, restores, empowers, or revives the spiritual body, as well as the physical body.”
So what could skunk mean appearing in my dream? I went to a popular book by Ted Andrews called, Animal Speak, for guidance.
One paragraph jumped out at me:
“The skunk does not get out of the way of any animal. It moves along at its own speed, with its own mind. It is self-assured and confident in itself. It skunk has shown up, it can be to help you with this particular aspect. It can teach you how to be more self-assured and how to assert yourself.”
I asked myself, “How does this relate to where I’m at right now?”
As I thought about it, I knew exactly what it meant.
I’m adventuring into offering workshops out of my home teaching the SoulCollage(r) process. I have this fear that no one will sign up. That people won’t want to see how this process can help them. That perhaps they aren’t ready.
For about three nights in a row this is exactly what I’ve been worrying about in my dreams.
But this time skunk showed up to encourage me to be confident in myself and to trust that all is going to work out.
So okay, Mr. Skunk, I guess you had to spray me in the face to get my attention to stop worrying so much. I’m taking your message into my heart and trusting it….
and if you don’t mind me adding, without any offense what-so-ever, I’m really glad you were in my dream and not reality when it took spraying me in the face to get my attention!
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