With the days getting longer and lighter each night I leave the blind about half-way open on the window on my side of the bed. A purple sheer hangs over the window so there is some privacy.
I love it as the sun rises in the east and the light filters into the bedroom in the morning. Also, since John made me two wren houses and hung them on the side of my writing cottage, it’s when I first open my eyes that I take a moment, and while still lying in bed, that I hope one of these days I’ll see a little feathered head going in or coming out of one of the birdhouses.
No little feathered heads today, so I got up. But when I pulled the sheer back, there was a different surprise waiting for me. There were two Morning Doves huddled together on the wooden beam that is part of our rock wall area that leads down to our semi-exposed basement.
It’s been cold the last few nights dropping down into the lower 20s. I assumed it was the male Morning Dove —since he was bigger— who had his body slightly over the female bird trying to keep her warm. But whatever the case, it touched my heart.
There are many mornings as I’m just about to turn the handle to the patio door to go out to my writing cottage that I see the doves on our deck, or drinking from the birdbath, or eating from the bird feeder —always together. I often just stop and wait until they eventually fly off. I just admire their love for each other.
Eventually, I made my way downstairs to workout on my Pilates machine, and who would I see once again? Well, this time it was just the female Morning Dove sitting right outside the basement window on a large rock. She stayed there for the longest time, just as content as could be. It was so nice having a workout buddy, though I was doing all the ‘work!’
But it reminded me again, especially poignant these days being isolated at home, we are never truly alone. Sometimes all it takes is just pulling back the curtain to know and feel that there is love all around.