animal guides

The Dance of Delight and the Gift of Flexibility – Animal and Oracle Wisdom and Guidance

What do we need to know for the highest good as we move through this week?

The cards I pulled for us are from The Soul Coaching Oracle by Denise Linn and The Ark Animal Tarot and Oracle by Bernadette King


Such a happy card! It feels like an extension of how I felt this weekend and an invitation for us to bring that into this week. As I turned up the wood chips and soil in the gardens around my home the last two days, I relished in how good it felt to connect with Mother Earth. 

I’d grown a bit weary of hearing about what a “new normal” will be and tired of the conversation each evening circling back around to the coronavirus. I’m not trying to sound as if I’m making light of it, because I’m most definitely not.  But I’d just reached a point of not wanting to take in any more information about it and what the future may hold or the theories that are all being investigated, not to mention the fear, bickering, and hostility that comes with this too.

As I puttered around outside and within my home which I’ve always enjoyed, it just really hit me how much I love and delight in the simple things of life. If that will be the “new normal,” I’m all for it.

I also caught a post by a life coach where she said that her nervous system is beginning to acclimate. And even though she stated it as acclimating to a “new normal” I heard it in my mind as a new way of being.

What the heck is “normal” anyway? What is normal for me, may not be normal for you. But where is it you really take delight in life? This is the time we get to seriously explore this if we choose. I believe so many became numb to what that is because of getting caught up in the adrenaline of “busy.” 

When I think of the word acclimate I feel that in my body as more peaceful and fluid which brings me into this space of being. It feels so much more satisfying than when caught up in the energy of what busy feels like.

So as we all continue to acclimate to this time of evolution looking at the two birds on the card which I see as doves and symbolize peace, I see this as an invitation to dance with the exploration of our hearts and what is it that makes us feel light, free, and delightful?


Our animal ally as we explore what delights us is Eel. I immediately saw the eel as smiling, not to mention the color purple which is so soothing and calming.

I then heard in my mind, electric eel. How electrifying it feels and all our senses light up from the inside, out when we are living from the place of what it is that brings us true joy.

The word flexibility on the card also jumped out at me. This is a time we are all being asked to be more flexible in how we move within the outside world. While that can feel constricting at times because it’s what we’ve become used to, the Eel so fluid as it moves through water invites us to find delight and joy in this new way of being not only in the physical spaces of our homes but also within our own inner world.

As we each participate in this expedition of how we each need to individually evolve, I see this more fluid, peaceful, and way of being as the gift that has the potential to positively affect the world at large around us. And being a part of that movement, well, I take great delight in being a part of that.

Much love and peace to you.





Authors Give Back: Special Opportunity to Read My First Two Memoirs

As we continue to pause and reflect it’s the perfect time to read. Though, I think it’s always the perfect time to read! 😉

But especially now if we want to fill our minds and hearts with inspirational content, right?

So I’ve taken part in an opportunity and offering my first two memoirs at 60% off for the e-book versions which makes them $1.60 each.

As my third memoir has begun making its way out into the world, I really see my three books as a trilogy of what I learned from each special needs dachshund and how each played a vital role in helping me become a much healthier person today in mind, body, and spirit.

If interested just click on the book cover(s) or on the titles below to purchase. 



Feel free to pass this offer onto other animal-loving friends you think would enjoy and benefit from them!

Through Frankie’s Eyes: One woman’s journey to her authentic self, and the dog on wheels who led the way

Wisdom Found in the Pause: Joie’s Gift

Happy reading and enjoy!





Honoring the Nudge and the Leopard Speaks

I can’t even tell you how long I’ve been feeling the nudge to do some art journaling. But I kept ignoring it, thinking other things were more important.

But on Easter Sunday, which felt odd in one way, but also comforting in another, I finally sat down in my writing cottage and got my art supplies out.

I really didn’t know what I was going to do, but just began gathering images and colors to work with. Staring at the blank page of my sketchbook it reminded me of how sometimes as a writer I just sit and stare at the blank screen not knowing what to write, but knowing that I need to write something because I can feel that something needs to be expressed even though it may be hidden from me at the time.

And the photo above this is what came from my art journaling session. Sharing it with a friend, she was curious the meaning behind it. I told her that I didn’t yet know. But while brushing my teeth this morning it came to me.

Using the ‘I Am One Who’ prompt used in the SoulCollage® process and speaking from the image this is the insight that came to me:

I am one who will no longer be held in the shadows. I am strong and confident as I continue to walk through this new portal of empowerment.

You know who you are that tried to keep me small. But you were actually the catalyst to help me step into the light of my strength and say, “No more.” I know you see me and I believe in my heart you are cheering me on. You are my mirror and I am yours.

In many ways you gave me the wings to fly because it was the determination steeped deep within me from what caused me pain and suffering that finally gave me the courage to step forward and claim my power.

It just flowed right out of me. Thank you Leopard for this powerful message.



P.S. Thank you to the photographers for the beautiful images.