animal human bond

The Donkeys of Gypsy Gold Horse Farm. And my Favorite Heart Bursting Moment!

Sweet Patrin obliged this donkey-loving girl to hug her!

In my recent monthly letter and my last blog post, I shared a bit about my time at Gypsy Gold Horse Farm.

It was the last part of the tour that really set my heart soaring when Dennis, the owner of the farm, invited us into the corral of mini donkey, Patrin, and her adorable month and a half old baby, Wisdom.

Patrin and her baby, Wisdom

Wisdom, his fur just as light and fluffy as it looks in the photo. And don’t you just love the hedge of fur on his sweet face?!

Being Patrin is a mini donkey, and her baby a mini of her mini self, I just had to squat down to be closer to them. Wisdom was happy for the pets until his mom, Patrin wanted in too. While I happily gave Patrin some loving, Wisdom’s curiosity got the best of him as he walked around behind me and began to try to get into my backpack!

I was in donkey heaven being so close to these two! Giving a quick kiss to Patrin’s forehead she moved closer and allowed me to give her a hug. I don’t know who was happier in that moment, but it’s a memory of pure joy now burned into my heart. Squuuueeeeeee!

As we’d learn during the tour, Dennis, now 77, still has many dreams for the farm and one of which is to turn it into an educational center, expanding on the animal-human bond and connection.

Many of these dreams began before Dennis’ wife, Cindy, sadly passed away after only fourteen years of marriage due to an unfortunate accident in their barn while foal watching.

One of the dreams they had set the groundwork for is a concept for the Gypsy Vanner horses called, Gypsy Gold ‘n Geldings and bringing joy to others. Their first Gypsy horse named Misto became the first to be given to Wild Rumpus children’s bookstore to be of service to young readers. Part of Misto’s service is that he pulls a cart of books during visits to inner city schools.

They have also established The Cushti Bok Foundation to increase awareness and knowledge of British Gypsies and their selectively bred “Vanner” horses through innovative concepts based on goodness of people and animals. During Dennis’ talk he is very passionate about setting the record straight about the big hearts and kindness of the Gypsy culture as they’ve been given such a bad name for so long.

And his dream for the donkeys? To name new donkeys born on the farm after human virtues – Wisdom, Empathy, Compassion, Kindness, Compassion, etc. And to educate children through these donkeys in order to help instill these virtues in generations to come. Something that really spoke to my heart because of the similar work I did while my special need dachshund, Frankie, was alive.

While I’d had this vision dance through my head that I’d move to this area and become a volunteer for the farm, I know in reality I don’t want to leave my home in Wisconsin. But, I am now following Gypsy Gold Horse Farm via their newsletter and looking forward to monetarily donating when I can to help the dream of continued education and the gift of sharing animal wisdom with all ages.




Animal Wayshowers: The Lightworkers Ushering In 5D Consciousness – Features My Dog Gidget. Book Review.

I still recall when I finished reading Tammy’s first book, Soul Healing with Our Animal Companions. Reading that book, it felt like Tammy was inside my world and the healing journey I’d just walked with my dachshund, Gidget.  Gidget and I could have definitely been a poster human and dog duo for the book about two beings who healed their trauma together and went on to experience a profoundly life-changing and deeper connection because of it and which I’d end up chronicling in my own memoir.

Once you experience this type of profound and transformative shift within yourself and then witness the extraordinary positive change in your animal friend because of it, you want this for all humans and animals on this planet.

So when Tammy was writing this, her third book, Animal Wayshowers: The Lightworkers Ushering In 5D Consciousness I was deeply honored when she asked if the story of Gidget and me could be included.

Just into the first few pages of reading her new book, I felt welcome and familiar emotions stirring within my heart. Tears filled my eyes in recognition and understanding of this delicate dance that life is and how our animal friends give their all to help us shift into a more heart-opening way of being.

It takes just a shift in our perception to understand how energy works and how our animals are masters at reading the energy of those they love. All in an effort to help humans become more whole and at peace within themselves — this is what Tammy shares so eloquently with stories from other animal-human duos, personal reflections, and sound and simple advice of how we can all move into this more conscious awareness and do the inner work so that all beings can live together in harmony.

I believe at my core that animals are here on this planet walking with love beside us, wanting more than anything for us to heal. Tammy’s book really is one that everyone who shares a home with an animal should read. While the work isn’t always easy, it is deeply rewarding, and you will be left in awe of how so many have experienced this 5D reality because of the inner work they’ve done and the championing guides of the animal friends that cheered them on.

One thing, of many, I appreciate in Tammy’s new book is how she touched on one of the most difficult issues in our world – animal abuse. She tenderly shares how these animals have agreed to serve in this way to help evolve the deepening of compassion and empathy not only on an individual level but also as a collective too.

Embracing 5D consciousness through the eyes of our animal friends is brought into the light even more now because of this beautiful and beneficial book Tammy has written. I have no doubt it will help so many more beings who will then become part of this light that continues to expand and that will only continue to grow brighter and brighter as we all walk the earth with more peace within.

From Amazon and where you can pre-order a copy of Tammy’s book:

A guide to understand, support, and honor the soul missions of our animal companions

• Explains how animals that live alongside humans are lightworkers helping to raise the vibration of collective consciousness and aid in humanity’s ascension process

• Shares example stories of incredible animal Wayshowers from around the world whose actions and sacrifices on behalf of their human companions changed them all for the better

• Offers meditations, rituals, and transformational soul practices to embrace 5D frequencies, intuit heart intelligence, connect to the Higher Self, and heal the shadow

Animals are natural holders of 5D consciousness. The extraordinary animals who have chosen, at a soul level, to live alongside humans are lightworkers on the front lines of the animal kingdom’s mission to help people to heal, evolve, and attune to their divine purpose as well as assist in raising the vibration of the planet and collective consciousness to 5D.

As Tammy Billups reveals, once we become aware of the soul path of our animal companions, we are then able to connect with them soul-to-soul, not only supporting their soul missions but also finding the healing we need to let go of 3D reality and begin making the transition to 5D. Sharing example stories of incredible animal Wayshowers from around the world whose actions and sacrifices on behalf of their human companions changed them all for the better, she explores the many levels of service your beloved animal friends are providing you each and every day, including during disasters, storms, pandemics, and even from beyond the physical. She shows how they help shoulder the psychological and emotional burdens we are not yet capable of holding on our own and show us the way back to our own hearts. Presenting guidance to help animals succeed in their goal of raising consciousness, the author offers meditations, rituals, and exercises for applying the teachings of the animal stories shared, including transformational soul practices to embrace 5D frequencies, intuit heart intelligence, connect to the Higher Self, and heal the shadow.

Offering ways to embrace and emulate the soul teachings of our animal companions, Tammy Billups shows that, by honoring animals as courageous guides on our ascension to 5D consciousness, we too can become Wayshowers in our own right.




Book a private reading and healing session with me here.

Or for a private reading and healing session for you and your pet here.




Cleo the Magical Dog



For most of the summer now before John leaves for work in the morning, I have one important question I ask. “Are you working by Cleo today?”

About mid-way through this summer, I received a text from John asking if I could bring his shop vac to the job site as he’d forgotten it. It just so happened that the job site was where Cleo lives. I was more than happy to oblige.

I’d been hearing about this sweet dog from John and a photo or two he had texted me of Cleo hanging out with him while he remodels the family’s kitchen and living area.

Walking through the front door to deliver the shop vac one late morning, the sweet and graceful Cleo came prancing toward me. After petting her and rubbing her ears for a few moments she returned the love by totally leaning into my leg. She stuck there like glue for quite a few minutes while I chatted with the homeowner, Renee, and how Cleo came to be in their lives.

It’s hard not to be smitten with a dog and Cleo definitely wiggled her way right into my heart. Exactly why I’ve been asking the question most days of what job site John will be working at for the day. Though I have to say at times I’ve been a bit jealous when I know he gets to hang out with Cleo!

Even with the noise of a nail gun, hammers, saws, and a loud shop vac, Cleo stays close by watching John work. But when other subcontractors like the drywallers and plumbers have shown up, Cleo does not want to be near them. It’s almost as if her heart belongs to only one contractor. And that is John.

It got me thinking that perhaps Cleo is a magical dog.

Because it just so happens that the talk of bringing another dog into our lives began a few months ago. Well, for me, it began about two and a half years ago, but alas, that is another story I suppose. But the short of it is I have missed the companionship of a dog.

The other side to this though is that I’ve really appreciated the deepening of my relationship with John and the more time we’ve been able to spend together. That has definitely been a big bonus!

There have been many times my heart has ached for another dog. While I’m also grateful for the time I’ve been able to spend concentrating on myself also.

While staying at a campground in Florida for a month this past March there were dogs on just about every campsite. A few kitties too! So in one way, I got to be around dogs, but in another way, that ache would return again at times.

It was at this same campground that I began to open to the possibility of a larger RV – which had been a dream of John’s – and one thing led to another and we’d end up finding a great deal on a new to us motor coach we purchased a few months ago.

And that is when the talk of bringing another dog into our lives began. So we shall see. There are some days I’d really like a dog now, while there is another part of me that still wants to wait. So I continue to trust that when the time is right the stars will align and we will find the dog that is meant for us.

But for now. I think maybe….just maybe…Cleo is a magical dog who is opening our hearts to love again.

