animal human bond

Dachshunds as Teachers, Healers and Guides. My Interview on the Wiener Dog Lover Podcast.

Dachshunds as Teachers, Healers and Guides. My Interview on the Wiener Dog Lover Podcast.

I’m so honored to share this interview with you! Just click on graphic above to listen.

Three Dachshunds I’ve shared my life with have been pivotal in helping shape me into who I am today – each one serving as a reflection of the inner work I needed to do at different phases in my life in order to grow and evolve.

It was an honor to share some of the insight I’ve gleaned from each of them with host Lori Smashnuk Ludec of the Wiener Dog Lover Podcast

It’s an honest inside look at some of my struggles this past year, that with a dedicated inner focus and guidance from a short-legged dog with a big personality and wise soul I was able to expand in awareness and shift in perspective in ways I never imagined.

Because of Gidget, and my two doxie’s before her, I now do the work I do today as an Oracle Guide, guiding women to look within and discover for themselves what truly matters- so they can get on with living a life that is meaningful as they wish to define it.

I hope you enjoy the interview!



P.S. I was truly honored and the discussion that unfolded during this interview that I’m offering a special discount on my Oracle Guidance Sessions. Normally $75 for one hour, they are now $60. You can learn more and book a session here: Good through December 21st, 2018.

P.P.S. You don’t have to be a dachshund lover to enjoy this interview!  🙂

Christmas at My Writing Cottage and Narrowing in on First Draft of My New Book

Christmas at My Writing Cottage and Narrowing in on First Draft of My New Book

While my writing cottage is olive-green, the green spotlight shining on it at night, decked out for the holidays, it casts this lovely magical glow. Don’t you just want to open that Victorian screen door and step inside for a cup of hot cocoa?

Since 2009 I’ve spent countless hours in this 10 x 12 cozy and quaint space my husband, John lovingly built for me. Two children’s books, one how-to book, and two memoirs have been written within these four walls. Not to mention the oodles of blog posts and newsletters too!

Speaking of books, I’m closing in on the first draft of my third memoir, I’m Fine Just the Way I Am. I hit the 100 typed pages mark today. Not that I’m necessarily basing this book on a page count. But it’s a nice marker to know in that my last two memoirs were 120 typed pages (before formatted in book layout form). Also gauging it on what I’ve written so far, the notes I’ve taken along the way of what I want to include, and the rough outline I created at the beginning, I’m at this delicious point of seeing a light at the end of the tunnel.

But don’t get me wrong… I have a long ways to go yet. After this first draft is complete, I will dive back in to shape it until I feel it is good for an editor’s eyes to read. But it feels so good to be to this point.

Today I wrote a section for the book about how I came to realize I wasn’t always honoring Gidget’s needs. Not an easy thing to admit or write about. But it’s something I came to observe about myself and my needs and felt it important to share.

Every morning, for many years, since Frankie, then Joie, and now Gidget, when I was ready to get to work, I’d tuck a dachshund under my right arm and out to my writing cottage I’d go. It was always comforting to have a dog companion with me as I spend so much time alone.

But as things unfolded for Gidget and I and the inner focus I was called to do this year because of Gidget and what she was trying to help me understand, I came to see Gidget in a new way.

This book, unlike the others before them, has been written without Gidget holding space for me within my writing cottage. I came to realize this year that perhaps it wasn’t her thing. While it was difficult at first, when I let go and allowed her to make her own choice and she more often than not, chooses not to be in my writing cottage with me. 

While I miss seeing her sweet face within this space, the fun part is that when I do make trips into the house, which I do often, there are times she comes bouncing around the corner to see me. So it’s happy little reunions like this throughout the day that always make me smile.

I can’t help but think too that as women we don’t always value time for ourselves or really appreciate the importance of it. While I’ve written about, and talked about this often over the years, I’ve had much to learn too. While I don’t have kids, my dogs, have at times, filled in the gap for my emotional needs.

It’s made me examine myself more closely and has had me paying more attention to what it is that Gidget may need that I wasn’t allowing her to experience because of my needs. More often than not these days, she chooses to stay in the house while I work in my writing cottage. This past summer she chose to lie on the deck and rarely spent time in my writing cottage. 

I’ll admit this took some getting used to on my part. I had to sit with my feelings of not feeling rejected, and I while I do miss her being in this space with me, more often than not, my heart feels good in honoring her space and what she needs. And in turn? It makes me appreciate all the more of what it is I need too.

Thank you, as always, for being part of my community here. I’m so grateful!



Animal Wisdom and Personal Growth. My Interview Airs Live Today!

Just a reminder that my interview airs live today for The Animal Wisdom World Summit. What a week it has been so far of many inspirational speakers, with more to come today and the rest of the week.

My interview will air live here at 2pm cst/1pm est/Noon pst.  It will be live for 24 hours in case you can’t catch it at this exact time. You can also still join the upcoming interviews that continue to the end of the week, for free, just by registering here.

My topic is all about how so many of my dogs have been pivotal in my personal growth – as you likely know being part of my community! 🙂 From transitional times in my life, each time, I’ve been transformed into a better version of myself because of them. 

I hope you can join me and all the other fantastic speakers to come!

