animal medicine

The Discovery of Power Through the Ways of Animals

During my Reiki I training my Reiki Master, Jay, brought Animal Medicine cards for me, since I would like to focus my Reiki practice on helping animals. I was thrilled!  I’m familiar with Animal Medicine cards (have a set of cards myself) and have worked with them before.

Be sure to read through the entire post for an opportunity to find out what animal is guiding you at this particular time on your journey.

Before I get into the meaning of the animal card, Jaguar that I picked, you might be asking what is animal medicine?

As quoted from the Animal Medicine Cards book by Jamie Sams and David Carson:

To understand the concept of medicine in the Native American way, one must redefine “medicine.” The medicine referred to in this book is anything that improves one’s connection to the Great Mystery and to all life. This would include the healing of body, mind, and of spirit. This medicine is also anything that brings personal power, strength and understanding. It is the constant living of life in a way that brings healing to the Earth Mother and all of our associates, family, friends, and fellow creatures. Native American medicine is an all-encompassing “way of life,” for it involves walking on the Earth Mother in perfect harmony with the Universe.”

I am very drawn to animals- not only dogs, but all animals. Among my favorite besides dogs, are dolphins, penguins, giraffe’s and elephants. But truly, they all fascinate me.  And I believe each animal on earth teaches us something. So I was intruigued I picked the Jaguar during my Reiki I class.

The Jaguar card says:

Sacred Jaguar teach me…

To wear my pwer lightly,

To walk with impeccability,

To approach life with compassion,

And to live up to the integrity of my human potential

I’ll share a portion of what the Jaguar means for me from the Medicine Card book:

Jaguar medicine is integrity and impeccability. Its mission is to devour the unclean aspects of human behavior. Jaguar teaches us good medicine to those who stand in their personal integrity and walk through life in an impreccable manner.

If Jaguar is roaming your dream/reality today, its primal roar may be rewarding you for mainting your integrity in some situation where you could have easily misused your authority. You may have been unwilling to pass judgement on another, or to be self-serving. Were you especially kind to someone or do a good deed that was unexpected? If so, allow the recognition to fill you with feelings of well-being and continue to serve with compassion and openhearted integrity.

Do not falter in your resolve to be your personal best at all times. Maintain your dignity, devotion, and compassion, holding to forthrightness and honesty, no matter whe the cotnrary influences. Jaguar medicine teaches you that personal integrity allows for mistakes, embraces forgiveness, and humbly makes self-directed corrections, allowing a rebalanced spirit to triumph once again.

The most powerful part of the Animal Medicine Cards is to pick your nine totem animals that surround your physcial body on your Earth Walk which are represented East, South, West, North, Above, Below and Within.

Interestingly enough, I reviewed the nine totem animals I chose back in February 2006 and for East it was the Jaguar.  Picking Jaguar for East means that this animal in the East guides you to your greatest spirtual challenges and guards your path to illumination. Now this gives me major goosebumps as I truly feel this is where I am in my journey!  WOW!

Would you like to know what animal is guiding you right now on your path?

Just contact me via email (barb at joyfulpaws dot com) and let me know in a sentence or two what you’d like most to know for yourself? Are you are the right path? Do you want to manifest something in your life? Are you struggling with something? Let your animal card help guide you. Based on the area you’d like guidance on, I’ll ask the of the deck of animal cards to choose the right animal for you. I’ll then email you the animal card chosen for you, along with its meaning. Fun, huh?