animal messages

Animal Oracle Reading – Let Go of Burdens + Warm Love for San Padre Sea Turtles – Wk. of Feb. 21

Whoosh, I get a bit emotional at the beginning of this week’s animal oracle reading. But I know you will understand and join with me in sending lots of good, warm, and loving energy to the San Padre sea turtles.

This week’s reading is all about letting go of burdens in order to sing our songs and transform. Yes!

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Helping others connect more deeply to themselves and the animal kingdom is my labor of love. If you love what I’m doing and my work has impacted you in a beneficial way I hope you’ll consider supporting me. So grateful!

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Teaching from a Squirrel without a Tail

Photo courtesy of: Nuts about Squirrels

On my morning walk on Wednesday, I saw two squirrels chasing each other in the park. One appeared to not have a tail – just a bushy short stub. But I wasn’t quite sure as I was quite a few feet away from them.

Then on Thursday, I saw what I believed was that same squirrel as he scurried up a telephone pole. Sure enough, he didn’t have a tail!

I love to watch their tails flick back and forth, which means they are either sending a warning or will do this to let predators know they see the danger – sort of like a spoiler alert! Squirrels are so clever and sly, aren’t they?

But I thought about that tail missing on the squirrel as I walked to the library Thursday afternoon. It’s not something I’ve seen before and wondered if there was a teaching in this.

As our world continues to shift on its axel in many ways we didn’t see coming (though I know many of us felt something was coming for a long time), I see this as a message that we are all weaving a new tale. I was reminded of my friend Dawn’s experience with a dream she had about a snake missing its tail – and she’d go on to write a whole book about Snake and some powerful and profound lessons.

Doing a bit of research when I got home, I read that squirrels can survive just fine without a  tail. They adapt. Just like we are having to do in this year of 2020!

I’ve learned over the years to not immediately drop into feeling sorry for an animal missing a limb, or limbs that don’t work quite right, (thanks to my three special needs dachshunds!) or whatever perceived ‘handicap’ they may have. That squirrel was so busy having fun being a squirrel and I was enjoying watching him persevere.

He was making the best of life despite a tail that was no longer there. Perhaps he does things in a different way because of his missing tail – I don’t know for sure – but a key for me was that he adapted – and perhaps he has different experiences than a squirrel with a tail.

We don’t know what the future holds right now as we teeter on so many unknowns, but one thing is for sure, a new tale is in the making and on the way – and we just have to trust that it is going to be even better than we imagine.

Yet again, this morning, out on my walk, having gotten pulled into something that upset me on the news, I was trying to ‘figure it out’ and saw the squirrel yet again without a tail. Oh my, I had to chuckle how fast I can lose sight! And I heard once again that this is part of the new tale we are creating!

P.S. I did a short little video yesterday inspired to share blessings, giggles, and gratitude (plus a sweet little book about teachings from Sloth) if you want to check it out here.



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Divine Dog Wisdom Cards – Reveal and Review

I love, love, love this oracle deck! Did I mention I love this oracle deck? ha! I recorded a video of me unveiling it when I received it in the mail yesterday and share that here along with a written review I did of it too which is below the video.

So if you want to be surprised and see how touched I was by a card I pulled that is now my favorite, be sure to watch the video first, as I spill the beans of which one it is in my written review. Just sayin’!  🙂

Love of Dogs Evident in this Deck and So Much More!

Whimsical and fun, but deep at the same time—just what dogs are all about and what they so beautifully share with us and serve as faithful guides to help us understand.

I hesitated to purchase this deck because I thought it would be too ‘cute’ and not enough depth that I like in oracle cards when I read for myself or for others. Was I ever wrong! It is both, and I really appreciate that, because life can be tough, but it also has many joyful moments too.

Just like dogs help us with, this deck does this too in that when we do the inner work, we also have to remember to play. This is what balance is all about and Divine Dog Wisdom Cards depicts exactly this.

My favorite card, which I pulled at random during a video unveiling I did of the deck, brought me to tears and the card is “Honor- Acknowledge you, me, and we.” It features three dachshunds side-by-side. For those that know me, they understand the significance of this in my life in that I was blessed to share my life with three special needs dachshunds that taught me this very lesson (and so much more)!

A lovely added feature in the guidebook is that each card has a section called, “Another Bone to Chew On” which are prompts to work with or a specific exercise to do to deepen the meaning and teaching of the card for your own life.

I’m thrilled to have this deck in my collection and look forward to working with it for a very long time to come! 

