animal messengers

September Animal Wisdom – How to Stay Present in Our Ever Changing World?

From Animal Reflections Healing Oracle

The question I posed to the animal cards for this month: How do we stay present in our ever changing world?

I really loved that it is Hyena who stepped forward to share its message as I feel it is such a potent one.

Thank you, Hyena!

Hyena looms large as a symbol of our inner critic that at times can feel like it has hijacked every part of us. At this time, Hyena is asking you to gently, but honestly, look into the mirror and explore if that critic is truth, or merely an illusion.

When the critical part of you shows up, this is a clue to stop to carefully consider your thoughts. Has your inner compass veered off course? What part of you are you bullying or attempting to laugh off because of perceived insecurities? These thought patterns are often created from a past wounding leaving you feeling not good enough and searching for a magical solution.

Hyena is reminding you not to give your power away at this important juncture. We have been conditioned to look outside ourselves for validation; instead of seeking it, learn to be with whatever has you feeling uncomfortable. Hear what your inner doubt has to say, but don’t allow it to take the lead. Also remember the negative voice within is a scared part of you trying to protect you.

It is time to take responsibility for that frightened voice within — acknowledge it, love it, and assure it all will be well. When you break the chain of old patterning caused by painful wounds from the past, you can then step more boldly into your true self, just like Hyena beautifully owns its spots.

Shatter that mirror of illusion by being loyal to all parts of who you are, ultimately standing in your radiant and magnificent power.

©Barbara Techel – Animal Reflections Healing Oracle

For a personal 1-1 reading session just for you, book here.
For a personal 1-1 reading session for your pet and you, book here.





New Animal Art Inspired by Sweet Encounter with Hummingbird!

Original available here. Prints available here.

Earlier last week I had a lovely time communing with Hummingbird which inspired this new 8 x 10 dimensional shadow box piece!

I sensed this message wasn’t just for me, but for others too and why I’m delighted to share with you what Hummingbird had to share:

There she was.
So tiny and sweet as can be.
Sitting upon the thinnest of branches in the birch tree.
Admiring her small but mighty self
I heard Hummingbird say,

Isn’t the universe remarkable?

Then slowly turning and looking at the trunk of the tree, using her beak as a pointer, her head moved up and down.

This tree may be one hundred times my stature, but my spirit holds the same vast essence, Hummingbird exclaimed!

How true, I communed back!

Her tender wings fluttered in excitement at my response.

In this moment I am calling you back to ancient wisdom and that you too hold deep in your soul this same essence, Hummingbird said.

It is more magnificent and expansive than you sometimes realize. And I am here in this space of time to remind you to come back to the truth of who you are.

There is nothing to do.

But just sit with me, marvel at nature, and allow her caring, sensitive, and loving qualities to fully envelop you.

And then you will know.

And more importantly, you will feel yourself arriving back once again to your true home that is within.

©Barbara Techel with Hummingbird Spirit




When Your Animal Oracle Cards Go on a Retreat!

I am so honored to have received this testimonial from fellow author and friend, Cynthia Morris of Original Impulse. Truly made my heart light up to know my animal oracle cards served retreat participants in this beneficial way!

“I have so many decks! I’ve been wanting to bring them to my retreats more and share them. My creativity and writing retreats are deeply personal, fun and transformative. It’s great to see how the oracle decks come into play for my participants’ learning.

I had several decks at a recent art and writing retreat I co-led in Vermont. My angel cards, a fun art oracle deck, my Motherpeace tarot deck, and a deck of Animal Oracle cards recently released by my friend Barb Techel.

I introduced the decks and how to use them, and everyone gravitated to the Animal Oracles. Right away the cards seemed to speak to something everyone needed. Every day, the animal deck delivered new insights that gave us goosebumps and a sense of being connected to something greater.

I’m so glad I followed my instinct to bring Barb’s deck to the retreat. I shared Barb’s website, and participants ordered the Animal Oracle right away. Now I know to include these decks in the goody bag for future retreats. It was like having Barb and her wisdom, kindness, compassion and creativity there with us.”  -Cynthia Morris

To learn more about my deck you can check it out here: Animal Reflections Healing Oracle

