animal mirroring

My Kylie, My Self: How Our Animals Mirror Us

2014-01-12 08.05.40I’m reading a fascinating book right now called, My Animal, My Self by Marta Williams. It is hard to put down. So much is resonating with me.

It is about how often times our animals are our mirrors. “Deeply and inextricably connected to us on the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels, they can pick up and reflect back to us the issues and events of our lives.”

A subject not often talked about, but as I’ve been reading Marta’s book I’m seeing on an even deeper level how much my animals have been my mirror.

It’s had me thinking about my chocolate Lab, Cassie Jo who passed away from bone cancer in 2005, as well as Frankie and Joie, now gone too.

What really struck me though is thinking about Kylie being my mirror. I never looked at her in this way. I have with Cassie Jo, Frankie and Joie, but it never occurred to me that Kylie has in some ways been my mirror also.

I went back to read what I wrote about in a blog post and a recent reading I had done a few weeks ago with animal communicator, Dawn Brunke, with both Kylie and Gidget.

What prompted me to think about Kylie when reading Marta’s book was how she talked about how animals are leading their humans down an intuitive path. “That is the path of your heart, the path from which your inner voice speaks. It can be really hard to follow that path. It means you have to pay attention to what you truly need, not everyone else’s needs. You have to listen to your own counsel even when it is contrary to what everyone else is telling you. This is one of the hardest things to do in life. Is it any surprise that our animals are right there helping us learn how?”

In the reading Dawn shared that Kylie is the emotional calmer and she has held the center for a very long time. She then shared that as of recently, Kylie has really come into her own. It has been something I’ve noticed about her the last six months or so also.

As I think about myself since Joie passed away, I too, have come more into my own. Even more comfortable than before in my own skin, my own choices, my own way of seeing life, and really owning that without so much fear anymore of others’ judgment.

I can’t help but think my coming into my own even more so has helped Kylie and in turn we mirror each other.

I think back to when Kylie was 6 months old and Frankie became paralyzed. Our lives we chaotic for quite some time after that. Kylie was the gentle soul that stayed back, allowing me to take care of Frankie.

Then with my busy schedule with Frankie visiting schools and our therapy dog work, we came and went quite often, and often I’d be in a hurry. That seemed to throw Kylie off balance and if she felt in my way, she’d scamper to get out my way.

Since Frankie and Joie have been gone, we’ve all settled into a less busy household. While I loved all my work with Frankie, I find myself also enjoying this new time in my life. Kylie is most definitely reflecting that back to me as I can feel, as well as, see how much she loves our life at a bit slower pace too.

John often says with affection, “Kylie is a different dog.”

I couldn’t agree more as it warms my heart to see how much more at ease she is. As if her work of holding the center is now done and she is enjoying her “retirement” years.

How blessed I feel to have a dog who has all along had my best interest in mind and waited patiently as I found my way. Love you my sweet Kylie girl. Thank you.