animal oracle cards

The Animals Inspired Me with My Word for the Year

I believe this is either the third or fourth year that I’ve picked twelve animal oracle cards for my year – one for each month. In the collage above you can see the animals that represent my year. As I continue to enjoy learning more about what wisdom the animals have for us, this is one way in which I enjoy playing and discovering more. Plus it’s a wonderful way to do inner exploration!

This year I worked with the Spirit Animal Awareness cards by Ona Christie. On each of her cards, she has positive and shadow aspects of each animal.

For the month of January, my card is Bee. After pondering it for a few moments the word that jumped out at me on the card is productivity. I began a project in late 2020 and am gaining momentum with it so productivity feels right for where my energy level and enthusiasm are at for this. It also feels sweet to be in this space of creativity that is filling me with much joy.

I have a spot on my wall next to my writing desk where I will post a photo of the card along with the word (s) that resonates from that particular card for the month. It will be something I can reflect on when I feel called to. At the end of the month, I’ll take a few moments to observe how that particular animal card played out in my life and what I learned.

I’d also been pondering what my word of the year would be for the last few days though nothing was really coming to me.

After pulling an animal card for each month of the year it occurred to me last evening that I should turn to the animals for their help.

This morning as I looked over the complete spread of twelve cards the word that came to me is devotion. My whole body felt it and it made me come alive with inspiration.

So far this is what devotion is representing for me for my year ahead:

  • Devotion to my creativity and more exploration of mixed media collage.
  • Devotion to learning more from the animal kingdom world.
  • Devotion to appreciating the sweetness of life.
  • Devotion to living by the flow of my own authentic being.
  • Devotion to living life with much more zest.
  • Devotion to listening to my inner guidance.
  • Devotion to affirming life through doing things that make me happy.

I’m also reflecting on a quote by John Cage that I shared during the weekly oracle reading I did and posted on Monday. The quote is below and in bold are the sentences that stood out to me. They add to the reason why the word devotion fits for me this year.

Our intention is to affirm this life, not bring order out of chaos nor to suggest improvements in creation, but simply to wake to the very life we’re living, which is so excellent once one gets one’s mind and desires out of its way and lets it act of its own accord.  ~John Cage

Next, I’ll print out a copy of the above collage I made in Canva and post that on my wall next to my writing desk as a sweet reminder of my intention for this year of 2021.

Just doing this simple exercise of pulling animal cards, pondering each month, and then discovering my word for the year opens up this path before me that I’m looking forward to sauntering down and what it is I’ll discover.

Do you have a word for the year? If so, let me know. I’d love to hear!



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Light-Hearted and Fun – Which Animal Will You Be Like – Animal Wisdom Oracle Reading – Week of Nov. 23, 2020

In this week’s animal wisdom reading, I wanted to keep it light. Well, for the most part, I did.  🙂  Whether you celebrate Thanksgiving or not, I love this week as one to remember to set aside time to be grateful. 

So I thought it would be fun to have you choose what card you feel drawn to (1, 2, or 3) to see what animal it is that you can have some fun exploring and ways in which you can be more like. I played along also and was quite tickled at the card I chose as it was spot on!

I’d welcome any comments on what you think of the animal you chose and how you will incorporate its guidance this week.

Grateful for each of YOU!

Click here or on the graphic below to watch this week’s reading!



For a private one-to-one session:  Click here to learn more about my Wisdom in the Pause readings (just for you) or click here to learn more about my Wisdom in the Paws readings (for you and your animal friend).

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If you find this reading helpful and/or inspirational and would like to support my work I welcome donations here (Thank you!)


Animals as Oracles: A Quest to Connect, Contemplate and Create

The animal world has much to teach us. Some animals are experts at survival and adaptation. Some are great nurturers and protectors. Some have great fertility and others have great gentleness. Some embody strength and courage, while others can teach us playfulness. The animal world shows us the potentials we can unfold. But to learn from them, we must first learn to speak with them.

When we learn to speak with the animals, to listen with animal ears and to see through animal eyes, we experience the phenomena, the power, and the potential of the human essence. They become our teachers, our friends, and our companions. They show us the true majesty of life itself. They restore our forgotten childlike wonder at the world, and they reawaken our lost belief in magic, dreams and possibilities. ~Ted Andrews, author of Animal Speak – The Spiritual & Magical Powers of Creatures Great & Small

I feel so blessed to have, and continue to, experience many beautiful teachings from animals – dogs I’ve shared (and share) my life with – and many of the creatures in the animal kingdom.

In my quest to deepen this journey I want to:

  • Continue to deepen my love and understanding of animals, connecting more often with their symbolic teachings and wisdom.
  • Devote more time to my writing and journaling to allow teachings from the animals to gently bubble to the surface.
  • Deepen my work with oracle cards as a tool for self-reflection and insight I may not otherwise have thought of as a way in which to see the world in a more insightful and meaningful way.
  • Honor my desire to express my creativity, and especially that of playing more with something I could honestly get lost in for hours, which is creating with digital programs such as Canva.

So every day I will draw a card from an animal oracle deck, percolate in its wisdom, consider how I can integrate that animals teaching into my life…and then I will share my insight via a graphic I will design in Canva!

I welcome you to join me on this quest as a partner and sharing how animals have served as oracles in your life, too! Just follow along on Facebook or Instagram, using the hashtag #animalsasoracles

Today’s animal card from: Messages from Your Spirit Animal Guides by Dr. Steven Farmer