animal reflections healing oracle

The Sparrow and Spider with Some Timely Guidance

When I saw this sweet sparrow perched upon the hook outside my Joyful Pause Cottage studio, all fluffed out after taking a bath in the birdbath, I was surprised at how it didn’t seem in a hurry to fly off.

I sensed a message about to unfold as I sat in quiet observation, and contemplation of why Sparrow was right outside my window at this moment.

As I’ve currently been seeking clarity about something, I can still at times react from a place of fear and go into a protective shell, not wanting to explore what is being presented. I want to stay small. As if that will protect me from pain.

I thought about how Sparrow had just taken a bath – “naked” and out in the open elements – for anyone to see. Though Sparrow wasn’t hiding but rather appreciating the water to cleanse itself of debris and dirt that had accumulated. If they don’t do this their ability to fly will be hindered.

I understood this as a reflection that when difficult issues arise it’s a needed nudge to clear away the gunk that has built up in one’s life. The sticky stuff of life that can cause us to feel matted down and want to shrink away out of fear. In that place we can’t find clarity. Our wings of growth are stunted.

The freshly bathed sparrow sitting on that hook, the wind having plumped up its plumage, reminded me once again to see difficulty as an opportunity to a new way forward. Sparrow was reminding me too that in the challenging times of life, the importance of not hiding away, but remembering to incorporate those things that help one feel centered when one feels uncertain.

This is vitally necessary to see the path ahead and fly forward in a more confident way.

Thanks to that message from sparrow, I grew excited to do something to feed my soul. So, after a quick search on the internet, I grabbed my laptop and some water, and off I went to a park I’d never visited before.

And it was there, writing this post, that another creature came to provide me with a blessing. A small green spider that insisted on climbing on my leg to which I’d gently brush it off time and time again because it tickled.

But I welcomed that message too and reflected on Spider and the message of Rebirth:

“Like a helpful friend, Spider sits beside you lovingly and patiently, and encourages you to stay the course. It may be helpful to see Spider like Charlotte in the book, “Charlotte’s Web” – compassionate and holding you in complete love and understanding as you move through intense feelings.

Spider is here to assure you those long-held wounds you bravely face and heal will ultimately set you free. You are the one who chooses the web you wish to create. The past, once given voice, becomes a beautiful exchange gifting you with a rebirth and unlimited possibilities as you move forward to sing your authentic song with confidence and joy.”

Excerpt from Animal Reflections Healing Oracle by Barbara Techel




Lovely Praise for Animal Reflections Healing Oracle Deck! Still Time to Order During Special Launch Period.

My heart is feeling happy and very grateful to those of you who have placed an order for my NEW Animal Reflections Healing Oracle deck! I’m really looking forward to packing your orders with care and positive energy and including a one card pull for each of you.

And just a reminder if you’d like to order a copy of my new deck during the Special Launch Period, please do so by Sunday, June 4th. I’ve included a link below for ordering and where I also share some early praise for my deck! And…

THIS SPECIAL ADDED NOTE: If You are local and would like to save on shipping, I am offering porch pickup when the decks are ready. Just reach out to me if you’d like to take advantage of this and I’ll adjust the price accordingly.


  • 52 cards
  • Two blank cards included to customize
  • 21 Major Arcana of the Tarot woven into the deck
  • 2.75 x 4.75 inches
  • Guidebook – signed by me!
  • Cards shrink-wrapped for protection and tucked inside lime colored organza bagOne card reading included
  • Wolf cover art postcard
  • Created from my heart with wisdom gained through deep, personal inner work. While my inner work has been and continues to be ongoing for 25+ years, it was in the last eight years that the seed was planted and began to make its way toward the light as I opened myself to trust. I was then eventually led to the process of “how” I would create this deck in my own unique way. The actual intuitive process of finding just the right images that spoke to ancient times and the reverence of respect for what animals offer us as wisdom and reflections to help guide us in our daily lives that many have lost touch with. Plus combining these images with paper, stencils, paint, pastel chalks, and pencils, to then creating individual collages on small wooden templates became a two-year labor of love.


Animal guides can be powerful agents of healing, helping us to sense our blocks, blind-spots, and barriers. In her lovely oracle cards, Barb Techel shows how 52 animal teachers can hold space for us, allowing us to perceive, acknowledge and release repressed pain, fear, grief and other limiting thoughts or emotions, thus allowing us to venture deeper into a more joyous relationship with ourselves. 

The accompanying guide book offers ideas on how to use oracle cards, as well as suggestions from the animals featured in the cards. These vary from ones we know — Bear, Elephant, Lion and Zebra, to ones whose teachings we may be less familiar with — Capybara, Hedgehog, Iguana and Nuthatch. The artwork is gentle and welcoming, inviting us to soften and contemplate in compassionate ways with the animals and with ourselves. 

-Dawn Baumann Brunke, Author & Animal Communicator

I did a personal reading with Barb’s beautiful deck today. It was so insightful, and unexpected. Those animals and their interpretations are just messengers in such a heartfelt and deeply compassionate way. I appreciate her deck so much, and I’m excited to use it more!

-Elizabeth Lee, Creator of The Inner Moon Light Oracle

Barbara Techel is a wonderful, heart-centered human, and you can feel her loving energy throughout every card in this deck and guidebook. Each time I’ve pulled a card, it has been exactly the animal and guidance my soul needed to pivot into a higher frequency.

These beautiful oracle cards are primed and ready to expedite your healing, and are certain to get you back in your heart to reach a new level of awareness. They are an exemplary tool to be utilized time and time again to embrace and reveal the best version of ourselves.

-Tammy Billups, International Healing Practitioner for Animals & Their People, Award Winning Author of: Soul Healing with Our Animal Companions, Animal Soul Contracts, and Animal Wayshowers

To learn more and order your copy click here…and thanks so much for your support! I’m so excited to share the wisdom of the animals with you…and together, one person and animal at a time we will heal and shift this planet into a place of peace.

And here is June’s Monthly Animal Wisdom Reading for You! I had to smile big time when just the right animal showed up to confirm the theme for the month! Enjoy! Click here or on image to listen!




Connecting with Your Pet Using Oracle Cards. Come Give it a Try!

Connecting with Gidget with Animal Reflections Healing Oracle deck

The human-animal bond is a precious thing. I’m sure I don’t really need to tell you that now do I?!  😉

But it can also be challenging as we don’t speak the same language. Oh, how we worry when our animal friends aren’t feeling well or their behavior is out of sorts. I’ve definitely experienced this with the dogs I’ve had over the years.

One of my favorite things to do is bring the relationship between a human and their sweet animal friend back into harmony when it is out of sorts with the animal-human bond oracle readings I offer. There is nothing more heartful and rewarding when I witness a positive shift of energy between humans and pets as they move into a deeper space of understanding of each other.

And I absolutely understand how it feels when things are feeling off within myself which affects my dear animal friend and vice versa. Each of the dogs I’ve had the honor to have in my life has helped me to see perspectives I’d not considered and thus helped me to grow in unexpected ways.

So I recorded a video with a demonstration of sorts to help you connect with your animal friend too and how you can do that using oracle cards. I hope you’ll give it a try and I’d love to hear what insight you discover.



For further support about a specific issue you are feeling challenged by:

Book a private oracle reading just for you click here.

Book a private oracle reading for your pet (and you) click here.